In today's society, people are obsessed with self image. Everyone is trying to impress someone else. Everyone is trying to look like a Kardashian or a Beckham, or the newest icon, Kate Middleton. Everyone wishes..."If I could only change...blank...then I would be happy." The truth is, that's not what self image is all about. Beauty comes from within.
However, with all that being said, millions of people in America still struggle with weight. How many times do we hear our loved ones say, "I'm trying to lose weight", or "After this day I'll start working out", or my biggest pet peeve, "I wish I was as skinny as you." I will not boast or brag, but simply state I am a size 2. I'm tall and lean. Don't get me wrong, I have insecurities and things I would love to change. I'm human just like you. I have been told since I was little how skinny I am. And I am speaking for all the teen and young adult girls out there: sometimes being constantly told how skinny we are can be almost as bad as someone hearing they are fat. The worst part of it all is that usuallythe people that make these comments, are smaller than me. It kills me that some of the most beautiful girls I know and see can't see the beauty everyone else sees.
I encourage girls everywhere to pray about their insecurities. These are voids only God can fill.
1 Peter 3:3-4 says: "Don't be concerned with the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, woth unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." God loves each and every oneof us exaclty the way we are. These are the promises and scriptures I call on when I am feeling insecure.
Also, a very good friend of mine once said, "We are all flawed, but that's what makes us perfect. It's what seperates us from the norm. Don't let your flaws be your weakness, let your flaws be the glue that holds your strength together."
Above I have posted a picture of the supermodel, Crystal Renn. You can see in both photos that she is very beautiful. However, in one photo she is much thinner than in the other. Skinny is not always best or beautiful. What's important is the inner beauty, and using your flaws to help you grow as a person and individual.