Two words. Spring and break. Put them together and you get a phrase that generates happiness for any age. For some this means getting wasted, for some this means a vacation, and for me it's a priceless week away from school. Can I get a "Hallelujah"?
The majority of my spring break will consist of helping around the house and babysitting. Another portion of my time will be spent at my awesome new job. But don't get me wrong- I plan on spending time with my friends too. I am hoping to get my toes done with a new friend, and see Channing Tatum's newest comedy flick 21 Jump Street. I'm also looking forward to my boyfriend coming home from Spring Retreat with his youth group on Wednesday. He is arriving in Missouri as I write this, but I miss him already. Although it helps to know that he is safe, and having a blast as well.
But the real reason I love spring break and I am counting down to summer- is no school. This means not waking up at 6 am, no boring classes for 6 hours, no homework, and time to do what is really important/ necessary to me. Again, don't misunderstand, I think school is very important. Especially in today's world. Knowledge is power. However, the school system is broken. Teachers cannot control disrespectful students, administrators can't or don't solve problems, and the majority of of adults that work in the school system cannot relate to students therefore, they can't do their job to the capacity needed. There are also a multitude of opportunities available that don't require college educations. People all over our country have worked their way to and through a decent job to a comfortable standard of living without secondary education.
Side note: If I could say what I truly thought to some of our school officials and teachers, this is what I would say (more generally towards high school associated administration)-
"Have some compassion. I understand that students shouldn't sleep in class or finish their homework right before it's due the day of, but some of us lead very hectic and chaotic lives that you may never be able to understand even if you tried. "
Okay, okay, I'll get off the school rant, I just have had a few less than pleasurable experiences throughout my years in the public school system. So this spring break has only just begun, and its already going by too fast, so hang on!
Be bold. Try something new. Make a new friend. Take a break from something stressful. Rearrange furniture. Catch up on sleep. Take naps like a toddler. Cook something new. Buy new clothes. Spend time with family. Journal. Write. Stay up late and do something unexpected.
That is what spring break is all about.