Ladies and gents, it's that time again. (Everyone moan). Car shopping. Now, I know what you're thinking. Either you're thinking "I want the newest car with all the bells and whistles", "Car shopping can be fun," "Dave Ramsey says no car payments.", or "I just hate car shopping all together, it's like regular shopping but more expensive with more variables". I personally agree with all of those statements. But if you know me personally, you know I have been working my dancing little behind off for months to save to replace my little car who passed on to car heaven last October. Well, I've come within sight distance of my goal, and have found a great deal. Tomorrow I will get to take home my (new to me, but "gently" used) Ford explorer.
I am beyond excited! This will be a huge accomplishment for me and a lot of hard work finally paying off. Now with that being said, I still have a little bit of the price to pay off. In return for the great deal that I was offered, I'm helping the dealer get some publicity. This will be my second time buying a car off this lot. I have nothing but good things to say about the place.
iluvcheapcars is located off county line anbd 11th st, just before you hit Catoosa. They are reasonable with their prices and will work with you on payments. The lot gets a new selection in on a regular basis, and is always shifting around inventory. Their Facebook page is a great way to keep up on the know of their sales and deals, as well as new inventory. (Also google their name for their website). iluvcheapcars is open from 10-7pm Mon-Sat.
Now my little SUV does need some cosmetic help on the inside, but that's nothing this pinterest princess can't fix! And by the way, the gas mileage is not any worse than my mom's mini van. I've done my homework. I'm not afraid to clean it, change the oil, and make the repairs that I am capable of. Plus it sounds like it will be a beast in the snow. So when we get our next blizzard, let me know if you need me to come rescue you. But best of all, I worked for it.