I have just been self diagnosed with a pre-mature case of SENIORITIS. Everyone I know has it, and it's spreaading faster than wildfire. Broken Arrow seniors have already recieved their caps and gowns and the surrealness of it all is setting in.
Stores are stocking up on bikinis.
College acceptance letters are in the mail.
Warmer temperatures and tornado warnings are moving in.
The growing pains and itches of becoming that many steps closer to being an independent adult can be felt everywhere.
School becomes harder to focus on as teachers cram in more information for end of the year tests.
BA is on the brink of starting the dreaded block scheduling that lasts nearly a month.
Summer classes and programs are popping up on every corner.
Vacations, internships, and camps are being planned.
Are you ready?
Summer is within reach. Keep the goal in mind and keep your mental train on the tracks. Just a little bit longer...
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