The dreaded "B" word has come upon us. It feels terrible just saying it. You know..."break up." Ouch. Unfortanutely, I can't say I didn't see it comig but I most definitely am not enjoying it. Within the last 24 hours, my boyfriend of almost 5 months and I have split up. Out of respect, I will leave as many details of the story out as possible. (You can thank me later..)
Therefore, I want to share some insight to all my other girls out there who are goung through the same thing. (Or need to very quikly). First of all: it will feel like the end of the world for a while, but it's not. It's going to hurt. It's going to cloud your brain, make you sad, make you irritable, and keep you up at night. That is all pretty normal. The tough part is when other people ask a million questions or bring up other possibilities of "what if"s. Or when the try to trivialize your pain. Just because you are young does not mean that you did not care for the person and truly have a relationship.
The next part is realizing that venting is good. I am the queen of "let me come cry on your shoulder!" That is perfectly okay as well. In fact, I recommend doing that! But here is where a red flag comes in: be careful not to stretch the story, or tell too many people. Put the story on a need-to-know basis. Otherwise you end up making yourself look bad, and opinions of both parties form that should not be. I've also learned the hard way that bashing, or negatively talking about someone does not help anyone. It may make you feel better for that second, but in the end it does the opposite of good.
I also have my own list of remedies:
1. venting
2. write it out! (That is what I'm doing now and believe me it helps!)
3. take all photos and rminders down. Do not throw them away until you have thought that through, so fornow just get them out of sight.
4. change you facebook status and picture. (ths should be a given)
5. change pictures and little things in your phone dedicated to him, etc.
6. make a playlist for how you feel. ( I'll post mine later in the article)
7. Exercixe. The adrenaline helps clear you mind and will make you feel great and look great.
8. Load up on junk food. Find your comfort food and stock up! (If it helps, you can work out after you finish crying)
9. This next one is for the strong ones: write a list about the good things and bad things that your break up is resulting in. It will help you sort out the internal battle.
10. Do projects or things you have beenputting off, or request extra days at work just to keep your mind busy.
11. Remember not to stay down long. This only gives them power over you. Cry it all out, then get back up and show the world what a strong woman you are.
12. This by far is the most important: Pray. Only the Lord can give you the true strength you need. (which will also help you sleep!)
So ladies, I know it's tough. Believe me, I know. But these are our learning years. To figure out who we are and how we click, and how we click with others. It's extremely easy to get our hopes up, or expect far too much out of someone who clearly does not take hints, but that just means there is something bette out there. When one door closes,an even sparklier one opens.
All right, so I promised yo my playlist. Here it is, for those of you who are music junkies like myself. Some of these songs are break up (ouch..there is that word again) based and some are not, but they all have soothing melodies.
1. You're Beautiful- James Blunt
2. What Goes Around- Justin Timberlake
3. Who Says- Selens Gomez
4. Super Bass- Nicki Minaj
5. Right There- Nicole Scherzinger
6. Kiss N Tell- Kesha
7. All Yours- Meric
8. The Big Bang- Rock Mafia
9. Heart of Gold- Ashlyne Huff
10. Dreams- Manafest
Before I sign off, I wuld like to give a specia thanks to all my girls! I could not get through without you! Krista (pictured above on my left), Aldyn, Jakeh, my sister Brandi, and anyone else that has helped me through. You guys are amazing and you mean the world to me.
So remember- It will feel like it, but it's not the end of the world. I am on my way to work now, to keep my mind busy and I'm not going to let this keep me down. Look out world, I am a strong and independent woman!