Procrastination. Webster's online dictionary decribes it as "putting off to a future time". As a 2011-2012 BA junior, I can tell you, I have become and expert procrastinator. And I learn from the worlds best: my peers.
School work is definately my least favorite part of school. Personally, I'm all about the social scene. The lunch tables, the new clothes and styles, the student council campaigns and conventions, and the between class convo's. Don't get e wrong, academics are crucial, but that's not necessarily where memories are made. People don't typically look back and smile when they think of outlining chapter 15 in history class. It's the relationships we make in high school and the life lessons we learn and the triumphs that we remember.
However, my fellow AP students feel my pain when I say these few icky words: summer. AP. assignment. For Juniors in AP English, it's The Scarlet Letter as well as a dialectical journal. EEEWWW. Who wants to spend their lst few glorious moments of summer reading a book in old english, then writing about it? Not me. Keep in mind this will be turned in to a teacher we have never met, and have no idea what he/she expects of us. Awesome.
So, I finally got up the motivatin to go get the book. Then it sat in my room for about 3 weeks. Then I finally printed the assignment sheet from the school website. and 2 weks later, (less than 2 weeks from the due date, and 1 week from school) I am finally doing something about it. I also would like to add that when I did attempt to stick it out and just read the book, it put me to sleep. Literally. Although, I didnt feel quite so bad when the smartest kid in class posted that it put him to sleep as well. English this year is going to be a blast.
So friends, the question still stands: how am I going to get this done? Resources. Many students have found a parallel version of the book translated into modern English. (if I can find one... my life will be complete!) Google, Sparknotes, and a little perserverance are my other secret weapons.
AP students: don't give up! It will be worth it in the end. I hope...
Nathaniel Hawthorne is tough to read! He has some sentences that go on for several pages ;). However, the story is good, and you will hear references to The Scarlet Letter for the rest o your life! Lord know I used sparknotes too, but the difference is when I was a junior, we also had to read Lord of the Flies and All the Kings Men with Scarlet Letter too! Look up how long All the Kings Men is!!
ReplyDeleteWell Mrs. O, I um...dropped AP English for on level. I'm sorry to disappoint, but I know I can make a much higher grade in the class, and it's going to take a lot of stress off my shoulders. But I intend to keep blogging and writing and all that jazz. I love getting your comments!