Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Update Please?

For those of you that follow, my sincerest apologies for not blogging in a while. For the newbie readers: hit up my archive on the left, that's where you'll find my more organized thoughts and articles.

So throughout the summer it has been mass organized, (and unorganized) chaos for this girl. I have been spending lots of time at work, trying to catch up with friends, and learning enough to write 16 novels. Lots of my time of course, has been spent with Jonathan. (Yes we are officially a couple. (Awww!!!) ). His family is just adorable and we always have a good time. I've also been a busy little bee getting ready for two very big events.

The first is Sleeping Beauty, an annual production put on by the South Tulsa Children's Ballet. The shows are at 2pm and 7 pm at the TCC performing arts center. Tickets can be purchased online. I am on of the Queen's friends, and I have very little to complain about except the monstrous head piece I am required to wear. The dress itself is really pretty, but the fake tiaras are a bit tacky, not even going to sugar coat it.

The second big event, is the Miss BA competition in October. (And of course the dance competition in September!) I am busy getting paper work ready, wardrobe lines out, and my talent refined. So far, the dress in the running for my love is a gorgeous A-line yellow prom formal. It has just a touch of beading and is very pretty. I could see myself getting crowned in the dress for sure. (I've been told it makes me look like Belle from Beauty and the Beast.) I am also wearing out the satin in my pointe shoes. This year my talent is 100% hard work and passion. I'm putting my heart and soul into this dance, bringing my A game this year. Competing last February taught me a lot about pageants and many other life lessons as well. But one very important thing I learned: When you're nervous and stressed, your hair is so much less likely to cooperate, so be kind to those locks!

next on the list, is school. We are just a few short weeks away, and it will be upon us. This will be my junior year and I am so excited to reunite with my friends and get back to the daily grind of being a high school student. This year I am going to have my own style, a positive outlook, and rid all insecurities. But most importantly, my light for Christ is going to shine brightly. I know I'm not perfect, but I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength. For the readers: pick up a copy of Battlefield of the Mind: for Teens by Joyce Meyer when you get a chance. It's a quick easy read and so crammed full of power. It's incredibly uplifting! I highly recommend it, and I'm only on chapter 6!

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