SIGH. Well, I don't want to post details right now, but this past weekend was nothing but some learning and a reality check for me. I had moments that made me cry, that made me see clearer, and that made me ask lots of questions.
Where do I begin? Well, first a big shout out to my youth pastor. And a thanks, as well. Our little chat helped me a lot. I had no idea the pressure on my shoulders until I laid everything out on the table for you. And honestly, I could have kept going! I respect everything that he had to say, and being listened to like a young adult and not a child was a very cool thing. He prayed with me afterwards, and it helped a lot. It made me feel better, but also made me see things in a different light. It partially made me think I need to not be so hard on myself and try to be a kid as much as I can, but it also made me realize how long my to do list truly is. (yikes...)
Later that Friday night, work was incredibly stressfull and it got to me. I had to leave due to an asthma attack towards the end of my shift. It's been a very long time since anything like that has happened and it was a little frightening. No need to worry, once I got home, I eventually fell asleep and felt much better after sleeping for 12 hours.
The following day was full of blessings and sweltering august heat. I just love getting hand me down clothes and stuff from my older cousins!
On the last day of this...weekend, I totaled my car. I was on the way home from work and rear ended a guy in a nissan truck. (I am leaving out most of the story for now, details later.) I was so incredibly blessed that no one was hurt. The man that I hit and the lady that stayed to give a report were so kind to me. They just kept reassuring me that it would all pass and cars are replacable and lives are not. Bottom line. Everyone just kept saying "No one was hurt." So, with all that said, I am car-less at the moment. But it's teaching me a lot. Shout out to the guy I hit: "Thank you for being so kind and calm. It truly was a blessing that you were the one in front of me."
Life isn't always easy, and I'm not perfect. Yes, I try to hold myself to some pretty high standards, but I make mistakes. I do things I shouldn't. I get nervous. I don't like confrontation. The key is to learn and grow from all of life's ups and downs. To grow mentally, spiritually, and physically. Just like my youth pastor remided me, being a teenager isn't easy and you have to take time for yourself. Otherwiae we get overwhelmed and break.
I also want to mention that my boyfriend Jonathan is a huge support to me. He encouraged me through all my trials this weekend, and it helped a lot. He also was at the site of the accident to make sure I was okay shortly after it happened. Thank you very much Jon! I appreciate all that you do for me!
So if you find yourself in similar ruts of life, pray. I know it might not be the easiest thing to do, being humble before the Lord,but you will feel so much better afterwards. Just like a friend of mine said, "God wants the best for His children." He will provide and comfort like no other can.