Sunday, December 9, 2012

Like A Child pt. 2

As usual, Pastor Craig Groeschel brought it this morning at church. The series we are currently in at Lifechurch is called "Like A Child", and it is all about God's love through the perspective of a child.

Often times we get so consumed with life that we become complacent. We lose the awe and wonder that God instills in us.
A child only somewhat understands the depth of the stories taught on Sundays, and often has a great sense of trust. A child feels safe with their parent(s) and trusts that they will be taken care of. They feel comfort from their presence, as well as the reassurance of their love and care. This is the same kind of relationship our heavenly father wants. God wants to see our faces to light up at his blessings and wonderful attributes as a child would when Daddy comes home from work or a birthday cake is placed in front of them.

In case you weren't with us this Sunday, here were the main points Pastor Craig focused on this morning.

-My God is with me.
His presence is comforting to us in times of need, whether it be a need of physical, spiritual strength, or whatever the case may be.

"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" Hewbrews 13:5

God wants a relationship with us, and we can build that by...

1. Talking to Him (Simply as you would talk to a friend)
Psalm 54:2
Phillippians 4:6-7

2.Listen to Him (The "Talk less, listen more" principal could apply here as well)
Duet. 30:20
Isaiah 30:21

3. Recieve from Him
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Isaiah 66:13

4. Enjoy His Presence
Psalm 16:11
Proverbs 8:30

Of course if you've ever been to a Life Church service before, you know Pastor Craig is always fun and keeps us laughing. For all the sermons you may have missed, they are available on itunes, or the archives file of the church website. I personally encourage you to join us for any of our Christmas services here at the Broken Arrow campus:
Thursday, December 20, 7pm
Friday, December 21, 5 and 6:30 pm
Saturday, December 22, 5 and 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 23, 8:30, 10, 11:30 am or 1, 5, and 6:30pm

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Surreal, but exciting.

Hold up. It's December?! Call me crazy but it does not feel like Winter or Christmas time to me! The weather is far too nice and I'm so busy I can hardly keep up!

It seems surreal that it's almost Christmas break of senior year, but so exciting at the same time. Most of the people say to hang on to these high school days. I think reality will sink in closer to the end, and it may feel like a bit of a shock, but that's okay. I am counting the life changing events scheduled for next year, and it's quite lengthy!

This Christmas season is going to be different for us as we squeeze it into the hussle and bussle. Although, I have some awesome tricks up my sleeve this year. I'm excited to see my family's reactions to their gifts, and my boyfriend's as well. Let's just say he will be one happy man! (By the way ladies, if you ever need gift ideas for your boyfriend, let me know, I have tons!) (A full blog post to come on this later) I love receiving gifts no doubt, but the memories last even longer.

As we all look back at what a great year this was, we also look forward to what's next. And of course those typical New Year's resolutions... I think I'll join the flock this year and make some as well. But the catch is to actually try them, not just post them on Facebook. You know who you are. As soon as the New Year hits, I'm going to continue my training at the gym and increase the intensity, as well as becoming stricter on my "diet". Then of course, I also like to make a bucket list of things I want to do before each year ends. For 2013, I'll make one for fun things to do before bootcamp, and then another list for afterwards.

Well dear friends, enjoy the nasty mall traffic and Christmas gatherings. I will be enjoying the remainder of December making more memories with my lovely family, friends, and boyfriend.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Moment For Life

"I fly with the stars in the skies,
I can no longer try to survive,
I believe that life is a prize,
But to live doesn't mean you're alive.

Don't worry bout me,
and who I fire
I get what I desire,
it's my empire
And yes I call the shots,
I am the umpire
I sprinkle holy water,
upon the vampire (vampire)
In this very moment I'm king,
In this very moment I slay Goliath with a sling,
This very moment I bring
Put it on everything, that I will retire with the ring
And I will retire with the crown, Yes!

No I'm not lucky I'm blessed, Yes!
Clap for the heavyweight champ, Me! But I couldn't do it all alone, We!"
Moment for Life by Nicki Minaj ft. Drake

I know what you're thinking. You hate Taylor Swift and just quoted Nicki Minaj. What even. Hold up there my fellow critics. I could also write my own colorful review of Miss Minaj, but this is one song that could be my anthem. I'm not hood enough to even download her other songs. Not only do I love Drake's voice, but the lyrics (especially this first verse I pasted) is such a decleration of power and happiness.

Today is definately one of those days that I am just feeling an incredible rush of happiness. This past week has been so great! I had trouble sleeping for days prior just because I was so excited! On Tuesday I turned 18. FINALLY. I got a sweet surprise from my man, mom took me to get my nails done, some time with my family, and then I was officially sworn in to the United States Air Force. What an amazing experience! And an special shout out to my SWITCH girls for surprising me with a yummy cookie cake! I am so incredibly blessed and thankful for each and every person who made this the best birthday yet!

I am so optimistic about the climb I am on, where I am currently, and the beautiful view I will reach soon. I have a plan for my future, and amazing people to spend it with. Not to mention all the new friends I'll make along the way! I've only begun my airman adventure and already made amazing friendships. Kalley, you're definately on my list of role models and heroes!
The moments of bliss I've been blessed with lately, I truly wish I could have for life. They are indescribable, and made with sheer joy.

Senior year is almost half way over thank goodness! Everyone I know encouraged me to enjoy it and hang on to it. I think that if you're one of those people who wants to live in high school forever, I just want to say I'm sorry. That is a bit sad to me. Life is at our fingertips! I know many students, etc. who are scared of the real world. I say, Bring it! Let's get this going. My senior paper has been turned in, I'm ready for Christmas break, prom, spring break, and my cap and gown to be in my mainucred fingers! Class of 2013, baby!

There are definately times where it can all get overwhelming. For instance, I've never been a good runner. (Which I honestly think was mostly a mental block...) I just zone out and picture my military uniform, my new car, my future, and making everyone around me proud. Those things drive me so much. It's amazing to compare my outlook a year ago, to now. I had no idea where my future was going and everything was so up in the air. I'm talking in the air like NASA. Nowhere close to a plan. Then when I did have a plan, it changed more than my nail polish. Now I have a goal. I have extremely high expectations for myself and failure is simply not an option. That creates the powerful drive that gives me such a high. Sprinkle in a few fairytale moments and a smile I cannot get off my face and you've got one extremely blessed and happy Natasha.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Not so Swift.

The music world is full of prodiges, and Taylor Swift is no exception. However, I am no longer a Swift heart.

At the beginning of Taylor's career she was an innocent Nashville voice with beautiful blonde waves. She had a sense of vulnerability to her passionate song writing that stopped everyone in their tracks. Her songs were relateable and touching. Yes, I have a select few that I definately feel were written for me. This is not the Taylor you see today posing for Cosmo magazine.

So let me say what I enjoy about her. My favorite album was definately Speak Now. The songs were fun, and you could see her personality throughout the album. I also admire her songwriting abilities. For that I say, "Well done." You saw that Taylor was bridging the gap between country and pop, but still rang true to herself.
Taylor's success is inspiring, and the humility she has displayed throughout the first segment of her career was something we should all learn from.

Taylor's music overall is beginning to rub me the wrong way. Her songs are all about one thing- boys. How they broke her heart, how she loved and it wasn't returned, how he cheated and should have stood up for her and the list goes on. And they are almost all about her real life relationships. I'm beginning to wonder if she ever does anything else with her time...

So far she has dated Joe Jonas, John Mayer, Jake Gyllenhaal, a Kennedy (maybe 2) and others.

Taylor we want to hear about your life outside of boys.

As a celebrity, one has so much influence, power (and money) to make a difference in this broken world. Whether it be through a charity or simply setting a good example for young fans. I personally want to follow someone with goals, discipline, a HEALTHY relationship, and a burning love for Christ. To my knowledge, Taylor is only in the headlines for who she dates. Even some of the other top earning celebs have been noted for reaching out. (Justin Bieber, Brangelina, Oprah...the list goes on.)

In my opinion, Taylor is nowhere near the girl she was when she released the first album featuring "Our Song". Not only is her sound different, but her looks and personality too. I miss those gorgeous blonde curls and innocent songs, not to mention the girl trying to hard to imitate a former Kennedy. (Although Jackie had class that was impeccable.) I am no longer a fan.

One day I hope to have a Miranda-Blake fairy tale. Hopefully there's a man who can handle this bundle of glitter covered gunpowder and lead.

Please note no Swift songs, ex-boyfriends, or fans were harmed in the making of this blog.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Inspiration. What is it to you?

One thing you will learn (hopefully) from reading my blog is that I am extremely goal oriented. If I see someonthing I want or something I want to accomplish, I figure out what needs to be done and work my butt off for it. I love working and working hard to have the things I want. For example, most of you know that last October I had wrecked my car. Well, I went the rest of the school year just borrowing my mom's car when necessary. But I realaized that senior year would be crazy and I really needed my own transportation. (I'm also huge on independence.) So I work my part time job and picked up two others as well. (and mono.....all I did this summer was work and sleep.) Even so, my goal was accomplished and I paid for my explorer with cash, all by myself. That was such an awesome accomplishment. Dave Ramsey would be so proud!

The list of things I have done this with goes on very far. From purchases of my new coat to clothes, or experiences such as pageants and prom, all the way down to my current passion. My future. Goals take many things to become accomplished goals. A plan, time, money, dedication, accountability, consistancy, and my personal favorite- inspiration. This could also range from any number of things. Here are the things that inspire me to continue, even on days when it seems impossible. These things are keeping me focused on my future, how to get there, and what I will achieve.

1. My friends and family. I have such an amazing support system. I am constantly encouraged, and told that I can do this. My future (Air Force) may not be easy, but they've got my back. Even down to the weight issue.

2. My church friends/ other young adults around me. There are a few in my life that I look up to that are leading Godly lives with great futures ahead of them within their lives, careers, etc. Those are the people I want to imitate.

3. Music. My loyal readers will also know what a music addict I am. ** Side note! I was helping with a school project today and we had the radio on. The station happen to be in tune with me and playing really great songs. I said "I love this song!" a lot. Eventually someone said, "You've said that about every song!" Sorry, I can't help it!** But really, though. Music says what we cannot. One song in particular that has me going right now is 'Part of me' by Katy Perry. The lyrics are riveting, and it's so powerful. The video shows Katy getting upset at a boy, and recreating her identity through the military. She cuts her hair, and is seen going through boot camo type exercises. She showed strength and beauty all in one. That (even though it was just a music video) is so inspiring to me! I also know that even though she is not a service woman, Katy is one tough gal! You go girl!

4. Nature. Now this is a new one for me. I don't usually go out and "find myself" in the woods or some meadow. However, we are so blessed here in Oklahoma to have beautiful sunrises and sunsets. (And the moon tonight is gorgeous!!) Those beautiful tones of pink, orange, purple, and blue just leave me in awe. They give me hope of a new horizon and future, and the beauty of life that God has in store.

5. Visuals. I made a collage for my room, with pictures of the things I am working for over the next year. I do this because it's a daily reminder to stay focused, but I also just love crafts. (My pinteresting friends will be so proud!) This poster has several things on it.
A. Pictures of cars I like. (My goal is to pay cash for a newer car in one year with part of my Air Force pay)
B. Pictures of Air Force rankings, logos, etc. (By this time next year I will have graduated Basic Military Training, and my specialized tech school.)
C. Pictures of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. (I will be working through the next 7 months to gain lean muscle simply to be my best when enlisting. Then I will go through bootcamp. Those dancers insipire me. I want to be healthy, strong, and beautiful just like them. High kicks, splits, and all!)
   There were several other things among my collage, but these were the main goals. And now I have a visual reminder of what I'm working for.

Inspiration creates drive. Drive creates ethic. Ethic builds character. Character builds integrity. These are things that are getting harder and harder to find. Be the person that stands out and find your own sunrise. Find what inspires you to break the barriers and prove all the stereotypes dead WRONG. And I'll be in the background with my DCC blue pom poms cheering you on.

P.S. With all that being said, know that for the most part, I don't like to blend in. (I don't enjoy going freak status, but I definately don't quite go with the flow.) I like to be a rebel. When I had dyed my hair junior year, apparently that was the trend. So I got out of that real fast. The point was to stand out, not blend in.
My mom suggested when I get my new car, to get a red one. So I also decided that I would order a tage that said "Rebel". Fitting, don't you think?

P.P.S. Just in casse there is any doubt in your mind, pretty girls can be tough too. Don't underestimate us.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Four Seasons

Welcome back to my crazy life. It's been a while since we have spoken, dear readers. I bet right about now you're wondering why this blog post is titled "Four Seasons". Those of you who think like I do may instantly think of an image of a luxurious resort somewhere in India with roaming elephants and pillows like clouds. Snap. Back to reality. (And then you here Eminem singing right?) Okay we are too much alike. Stop day dreaming!

In all reality, the point of that title was the metaphorical comparison to time and life. Each year has four seasons. Although if you live in Oklahoma like me, we really have two seasons: melting and frozen. I beleive that there are chapters and seasons within our lives as well. And I am feeling this all too well. Things are changing around me so quickly! Many of these changes involuntary, many of these decisions I am making on my own.

Where shall I start...the basics. I've changed the group of people I spend my time with. I am thankful for each person God has put in my life, but with the exception of a very small few, they have a season too. I've also been blessed with new friends, and strengthening the family relationships I have at home. But when God closes one door, he opens another. This rings true in friendships as well. I'm thankful for the new friends that have come into my life. (And the old ones that have returned as well!)

Next on the list is school...Senior year. Yes, there are a few things from high school that I will miss. VERY few things. Everyone has told me not to wish my senior year away and that I'll miss it after. Honestly, at this point, I'm ready to take that chance. Even as young adults, there is so much drama. BA is your stereotypical clique filled and drama infested American high school. I finally have a plan for what I'm doing after graduation and I can't wait to get started.

Get started on what you ask? Three words: Future Airman, baby! That's right, yours truly is joining the United States Air Force. Don't panic, I'm not going to be in harm's way. I am joining the Air Guard, and will be training in San Antonio, Texas. Not going to lie, I know it's going to be tough. But the list of benefits out weighed the list of challenges by nearly miles. This will enable me to go to college, replace my car in a year, and hopefully be living on my own soon as well. I will be signing my contract on my 18th birthday next month, and leaving for bootcamp next June. This whole thing is incredibly exciting! I have a lot of work ahead of me to prepare for all of this, but I have a great support system. My family is very supportive of my goals and what I'm doing. My work family also supports me. I also have great support from a friend who is helping me with my "under weight" issue. (Thank you!) This issue almost got me declined from enlisting altogether, but it's an obstacle I know I can overcome. I also have made some really awesome friends from the military, and this journey has only just begun...

Overall, I really would just love a day off more than anything. I forgot what one of those feels like. Although, everything that is keeping me busy is helping me to reach my goals. My goals of independece, financial and job security, self discipline, an education, and direction. This weekend I plan to make a poster with visuals to include all these to help keep me motivated. Until then I rely on the gorgeous Oklahoma sunrises and sunsets, my support system all around me, and Christ to keep me motivated.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Customer Service Review- Forever Young Salon

Ladies, ya feel me when I say, when we go to the salon, we like a little attention. When it's our turn in that comfy stylist chair, we want the stylist to care about what they are doing, and at least care about us.

Yesterday I took advantage of a spa package my mom had purchased, at Forever Young Salon and Spa. Let me just say, I felt rushed, unimportant, and unwelcomed. The salon itself looks fabulous, and the majority of the staff seemed nice. However, the unnamed stylist who cut my hair was not personable at all. This lady didn't try to start any form of conversation or even pretend that she cared. I was not given what I was promised (and what my parents paid for) in the spa package. I did not feel pretty when I left, and had to rush home and get ready for work all over again.

When my mother called to (politely) give our concerns and exoerience, said unnamed stylist was rude, and basically blamed me for my experience.


Needless to say, she will not recieve my business again.

My note to customers: Please remember that in any retail, sales, or service outlet, you never know what that employee may have going on. They may have had a rough day, something going on in their personal life, or anything at all. No, that doesn't give an excuse for bad service. But they aren't robots that can can flip a switch and become someone they aren't. Be considerate, tip as generously as possible, and be kind even when we aren't.

My note to the business world staff: Step up your game! Believe me I know it's hard to leave your personal life at the door. However, that is something we need to strive to do. To give our customers the best consistancy and experince they can possibly get. No matter what. Customer service is so very important.
And if you get a call with a complaint, apologize and make the customer happy. Admit you are wrong, but just be as civil as possible. Blaming the customer blatantly never ends well.)

Regardless, there is room for improvement on both sides.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Last

Well, this is the weekend before school starts. Excuse me, before senior year starts. I wish I could lay out my week for you so you could see exactly how crazy it will be. But for general common sense and internet safety, I shall not. I have multiple things scheduled for every single day for the next three weeks straight, maybe even longer than that. I'm trying vigorously not to have a mental break down as I type this. Although I wonder how all the other teens in BA make this lifestyle look so easy....

Oh well, I guess I need to accept the fact that I'm not like every other teen in BA. Which is true in many ways.

I will say, that I am very excited with what the next week will bring. And I am already more than willing to nap at any moment.

So on a less dramatic note, here are some of my back to school "Must Do's"

1. Wash and vaccum car before the first day. (Mine needs it BIG TIME)

2. Memorize your class schedule or make sure it's handy

3. purchase a planner. (I am a complusive list maker.)

4. Hair cut. (Make sure ends and roots all look fresh.)

5. Plan first day outfit (As of right now mine is going to be a comfy striped cotton dress from target, leopard print converse, my lavender coach satchel, some pretty earrings, and some teased hair)

6. Plan lunches, snacks, and have a water bottle handy. (You will eat healthier and cheaper if you plan ahead.)

Other things that are not just for the beginning of the year:

7. Decorate that backpack! Unfortanately very few students know how to do this without ruining a bag and looking tacky. This year I went the Jansport/ Pinterest route. A Jansport backpack will cost you anywhere from $30-$75. Which is expensive, BUT they are very high quality. Then I just took some pinterest inspiration and made it mine. (Lace ribbon from walmart and fabric glue. BOOM. CUTE.)

8. Make a playlist for the year. Mine will have songs like 'Amazing Life' by Britt Nicole, 'My Last' by Big Sean and plenty of others.

9. Back to food. Like I said before, I am extrememly busy. So this year, I'm going to keep a small ice chest in my truck with healthy snacks. I'll have things like fruit, yogurt, cheese sticks, pretzels, egg salad, and celery. I have a very fast metabolism, so I am always hungry!

10. Schedule (and even take) senior pictures early. I am using Brett Birdsong, whom I highly recommend. He is a fantastic professional, and you will have a blast shooting pictures with him! You can find his page on Facebook for more info.

11. A new perspective. This can be applied to anything. Study habits, teachers, the daily grind of high school, and your peers. This is something I'm going to especially going to work on. Yes, I'm going to be smart about who I hang around, and what I say, BUT something we all have to realize is that people change. We have no idea what a person goes through  in their daily life when they aren't at school. The second thing we have to understand is that everyone just wants to feel accepted for who they are. So this year, throw someone you don't like a compliment. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Speak less, listen more.

12. Last, but certainly not least, Switch. Switch is the youth group at LifeChurch for middle school and high school students. High School service starts at 7:15, and you can find more info on the Switch facebook page. It's not a lengthy service, but long enough for fun and some Jesus. My favorite part is the small groups after service. LOVE THEM. I have connected with people so well there. I don't feel judged or scorned but accepted. The leaders are all very welcoming, and the students are there to get plugged in. Now its not perfect ( we still need shirts Matt!!!) but, it's somewhere I finally want to be.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Strictly Opinions.

Let me just warn you, this post is strictly opinions.

This will be my second year at Broken Arrow High School, so I know what to expect for the most part, anyway. For those of you who don't know...a lot of things are different this year.

First of all, the senior high campus is under a huge renovation thanks to the bonds we recieved back in 2009. From what I have been told, we will now have an additional gym, more classrooms, and another drama room. I've also heard rumor of another library. The sketches and plans do look quite fabulous, If I must say. However, I'm not looking forard to spending my glorious senior year in the site of the apocolypse. I'm going to be extremely careful so my car doesn't suffer any damages from the construction. (Parking lot B is closed this year. Arrive early if you want a spot.)

Another big change this year- no schedule pick up. That Stinks. Just Saying.
Schedule Pick up is not only a highly informative event, but also a social event. Students are able to pick up class schedules, senior shirts, parking permit, other school clothes, athletic passes, order yearbooks and much more. This year, they mailed out schedules and campus maps. Which I think makes it a bit more nerve racking. Even for a senior...

Administration has also made it very clear that they are not allowing schedule changes this year. I understand that some students take advantage of the two week window, but really. The juniors are going to have a heart attack. I'm simply saying the senior high needs to be ready for a mob of moms who won't take "No" for an answer.

One chunk of good news for senior high goers, the cafeteria will be serving some basic SUBWAY sandwiches this year. Which is definately a great alternative to the lard they normally serve. Also just saying. I hardly ever eat cafeteria food. I will gladly post a list of easy, healthy lunches within the next week.

Seniors- get ready. Less than two weeks away and our time to shine begins.

Juniors- good luck.

Friday, August 10, 2012


As most of you know, I'm a hard worker. (Or I like to think that I am.) If I decide that I want something and it's out of reach, by golly, I'm gonna work for it. Typically to reach a sense of accomplishment, but that is really the icing on the cake.

Over the summer I've been working 3 jobs to pay for my wants/needs. Now granted, I still live at home and don't have a list of bills. My parents take good care of me and help me when I need it. (Like yesterday's mall trip for school clothes.) BUT, I bought my car, and everything that comes with that. I help pay for my car insurance each time I get paid as well. I pay for most of the things I want and need beyond that. Within the next week I will have my truck paid off, and tags on it as well. That is an awesome sense of accomplishment. How many of the kids at BA senior high can say that? Very few, I'm sure!

So with that said, if any little teen that just got their license hits MY truck in the school parking lot, you better believe the fight is on. Just sayin. (And this is where I play the clip of Melissa Peterman saying "And that is what they call, A THREAT!" in the second episode of Baby Daddy on ABC Family.)

I also have recently had a young man give me grief about how much I work. He's always saying things like "You need a life!", or "Don't work too hard!". But meaning them more than the normal person might. Then he goes on to tell me that his parents (he is a 23 year old grown man/ college student) bought his car and still pay for most his sh**,(his words, not mine) and he would rather sit at home and do nothing than work. Wow. That's super grown up and mature. I nicely replied that I like having my own check to pay for my own things. I'm still honestly just shocked at how dependent and even arrogant that sounds.

One thing that I want to accomplish within myself is a sense of indepence. I'm almost there, but still have some growing up to do. And especially before I get married and commit my life to someone, I need to know that I can stand on my own two feet first. Financially, mentally, and in many other ways. I want to know that I can take care of myself. Then when the time is right, I'll learn how to depend on someone and have them depend on me. It's all a process, really.

P.S. Yes, I am glad it's Friday! Just like anyone else!  But like I told Ben, (We will rename the 23 yr old above Ben. You're welcome.) my weekend is very very busy and full. But in the end, it will all be worth it! And I think I just might reward myself w Happy Hour at Sonic after work! Yes sir!

Monday, August 6, 2012

One Direction...Well, Not Really.

I'd like to say that my blog has "One Direction", but not only is there no boy band associated with my banter, but my blog is also more like a rabbit trail. And that is perfectly okay with me. My Monday has been a roller coaster from marvelous to leave-me-alone!

First of all at the gym today, it was a typical monday. Not a whole lot of gym goers, but lots of phone calls, cleaning, and snack breaks! But like I've said before, I love my gym family! I also had fun surprising my boss with some grub later in the afternoon. Then I went back to my Steve Martin clone, I mean um...pediatrician. He really is a great guy! But then he sent me to have more bloodwork done. Then he wasn't so great. Thankfully that didn't last long. Now most of my readers, know me personally. Thus you know I've been dealing with mono.

SIDE NOTE---> Just in case you haven't done your WebMD research, you can get mono from any transfer of salive. Ex. sharing cups, sharing eating utensils, and yes- kissing. But how I actually got it, I don't know. Also, people don't realize how long mono can actually last. In some cases students have missed an entire semester of school. One of the main symptoms is fatigue. Mono can really take a toll on a person. The other main concern is the potential of the spleen to swell. This can put athletes on the bench for months. Kids or adults who have mono and a swollen spleen are at risk to rupture their spleen during laborious activities and cause internal bleeding. This could in turn become deadly. So it's important to be careful.

Now with my case. I have done lots of sleeping, and lots of couch potato-ing. Although my doctor was not so excited with how busy I've been with my 3 jobs. Oops...well I guess I'll have to give "taking it easy" some more effort. So come on people cut me just a wee bit of slack! I have more on my metaphoric plate of life than a girl with menstral cramps has on her dinner plate. (And let me tell you that is a lot!) Although, on the flip side of that, everything I have on this plate really excites me! I crave to put more on it and accomplish more but I have know I have to open up some space on my plate first.

I'm also currently watching a show on the CW about modeling. I believe it's called "Remodeled", I'll have to do some research on that. The show is partly about an up and coming model and also about Paul, the owner of The Network. Paul wanted to connect all the small town agencies and find the raw talent we have!  But every time I watch a show about modeling and fashion and the industry with attitude, it reminds me of the hidden passion I have to be that girl. I've done a few auditions in my day, and I love it. Even the little auditions I've done have been exciting. I have recieved call backs almost each time. However, the cost of the initial walk in the door was not feesable for the day. But seriously how fun is that?! I love the idea of being a runway model! I love photo shoots, I love pictures, I love glam! I don't know if my life will take me in this path or even the professional version of that path. But it's still a possibility! And even if I don't hit the runway for Andy Hilfiger, or IMTA, or even John Casablancas, I know there are things I can do to feel like a supermodel. Here is my super model 101 tips for the day:

1. Keep up with the trends, but don't be a sheep. Incorporate the hot styles, but be unique. Check my blog each season for my newest trend loves!

2. Be kind to your skin! This is a huge umbrella of tips and tricks. One of the most important is don't go to sleep with your makeup on. I personally use baby wipes to take my makeup off at night. I also don't wear all of my makeup every day. Typically I just use bas, blush, and mascara. Classic and pretty. Just make sure those eyelashes are visible!

3. Don't be afraid to try new styles with your hair. Watch YouTube videos, let wet hair dry in curlers (way cooler than blow drying), or copy cat a celeb style.

4. Accessorize! I cannot emphasize this enough! One day try one statement piece, the next day try a matching set.  Break out those statement sunglasses, and those sassy shoes. I'm also quite obsessed with DIY fashion!

5. Use skin renewal techniques, looks, and fashion that makes you feel confident. That is the most important thing of all!

And this is only the tip of the iceberg. I could literally write a novel on random tips and tricks for being the best you ! As for right now, I'm gonna enjoy some more of  "Remodeled" on the CW.


P.S. (last note, I swear!) Don't let those rich girls in the hallway make you lose your confidence. They may look like they have it all, but they don't. Also remember though, as much as some girls seem like plastic barbies, they are people too. So kill em with kindness! And listen about how they whisper about your fantastic confidence and style (;

Friday, August 3, 2012

Fall 2012

Fall is my absolute favorite season! The warm colors, the cool breezes, hoodies, boots, jeans, coffee,  chili, it all just makes me so happy! Now I realize that fall is at least another month out, and I'm still praying for some relief from these temps soon. However, I am excited for this fall's fashion trends!
As I have said before, I am quite obsessed with pinterest. So photo credit goes to pinterest today!

TREND ONE: Sweet pastel colors. Neon used to be the "In" thing, but now it's sweet and elegant. Neon can be added for a pop of color, but please use neon responsibly. This outfit shown is perfect for an outdoor party, or add a cardigan and wear it to church. It's super feminine as well as sassy with the neude pumps.

TREND TWO: Chevron. I love this pattern so much and wish I could have it everywhere! I had a really hard time choosing what example photo to use for this one. There are just so many possibilities. But this adorable maxi dress is great for any occasion. Just add a cardigan or even a blazer for school or church. This would go great with loose curls if worn on its own, or a messy ballerina bun if worn with a blazer. Remember to stick with one pattern per outfit. You don't want your outfit to be too busy. You'll attract attention for the wrong reason!

TREND THREE: Tiffany Blue. This is a gorgeous color! I've seen it used on Vans, Nikes, and several other accessories, as well as dresses. This color is clean and fresh and a great pop of color. These shoes I would most likely pair with a pair of skinny jeans (colored or denim), with a tucked in black v-neck and belt. Hair could be worn any style. The hairstyle helps determined if you're going for an edgy look or simply good looks and good taste.

TREND FOUR: Bold words. These do not need to be offenseive, but can still pack a punch. I recently made my own shirt with the words Plie, Chasse, Jete,  All day. (French ballet terms). I simple used a medicine dropper to write with bleach on a black v-neck top. It turned out great and had an awesome vintage look. I really like the shirt pictured as well. It's bold and sassy! There are tons of tops like this on pinterest with links so you can order them, or I suggest you get crafty amd make them! Personlaization makes it truly yours. One of a kind.

TREND FIVE: Comfy Chic. Dress up that hoodie and claim it! I love this unique hoodie in particular and really wish I knew where to get it without spending a lot. It's definately chic, and great for our brutal Oklahoma Fall/ Winter. Whether it's that time of the month, running late, sick, or bad day, don't show it! You can still be in your comfort zone and look great at the same time! After you throw on your hoodie and (skinny jeans and boots) or (regular jeans and Nikes) tease up a cute ponytail, and some cute earrings. Grab a hot choclate on your way out the door and soothe your worries away!

I'm excited to see the new trends this fall, and what I will find while shopping. Keep checking back for more style and shopping tips. And don't be afraid to try something new!

Modge Podge.

Okay readers, (my few loyal readers), I will apologize in advance for the multitude of blog postings today. Also for the randomness, rants, and just blabbering. I have a lot to get off my chest today. So today you're getting a "Modge podge" of my life.

First of all, I''m gonna take this opportunity to put in my two cents on the Chick-fil-a scandal.

To those of you bashing the company: Chick-fil-a was not being hateful towards gays, simply stating our beliefs. Also, if you pay even the slightest bit of attention to what the company does, you would already know it is a Christian company. Not perfect, but Christian. Closed on Sundays, my goodness! In the Christian belief system, we follow Jesus Christ and His word. In this said word, it says marriage is to be between a man and a woman (see Genisis 2:24). It also says "Love your neighbor" (see Matthew 22:39).

To the homosexual community: I personally am not going to be rude or hateful to you. Yes, I disagree with your lifestyle.(No I do not want to see PDA).  But I'm going to do my best in just showing you the love of God. That;s what He intended, not all this hate. No one is perfect, only Jesus was. But each and every day we should strive closer to a Christ like lifestyle. And I'm sure Chick-fil-a will still happily serve you some chicken nuggets.
By the way, we are exercising our freedom of speech just as much as you are exercising your freedom of religion/orientation. (Or whatever amendment being gay falls under.)

I am also learning the hard way, that some people are truly just hard to deal with. Now hear me out-in most cases of conflict, we need to simply be quick to apologize, and quick to forgive. Often times we need to stop and give the other party some slack because of what is going on in their own life. But in some cases, any way you choose to deal with the problem- is just wrong. Ignoring the problem, talking about it, whatever the case may be. And then the issue doesnt get resolved, and turns into a vicious cycle. This is one reason I don't have a lot of friends. I choose for it to be this way. I have a few friends that are important to me, and one or two that I spend time with. Yes, if you need a friend, call me. I'll be your shoulder to cry on. But don't get offended when you figure out how much of an introvert I am trying to be. (I really am working on my blabber mouth....can't you tell?)

The reason above is one of many I stay so busy. I currently have 3 jobs, as well as keeping up with my large family at home, my sweet boyfriend, and senior year starting in three weeks. EEK! (Not to mention ballet practice, the TWO weddings I'm in this fall, and my 18th birthday in November.) But like I told someone yesterday, I work a lot because I'm trying to be responsible and take care of myself. I like having my own paycheck and being able to pay for my own things, and saving for my future. I should have my truck paid off in about a week and a half, and will then continue working to get the tags on it as well as the plethora of clothes I need for school this year. It is so exciting to me to be able to say I bought my truck/gas/car insurance. Or these shoes, this purse, this project I did, etc.
I'm tired a lot from being so busy, as well as being sick lately. But I know my hard work will pay off later. And when times seem tough I just have to remember how much God has brought me through over the last year. The list and story with all of that is tremendous.

Also, if anyone wondered...I will happily accept QT cards for my birthday this year.

So who wants to bring me some Chick-fil-a for lunch at work? I'm here til 2.

And then let's petition for a Chick-fil-a in BA!!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Free. One of the greatest words ever.

 In today's society, a lot more people are (or should be) watching their finances more closely. I know several people who work multiple jobs, inculding myself. So I'd like to share a few deals around town to help out.

First off, it is almost August and the temperatures are still climbing. But along with several safety precautions I advise you take, it's a great time to join a gym. The Hub, as I have posted about before, is a great facility for getting back in shape. (And we always have the A/C on full blast.) Through the end of July we are offering half off enrollment for all new members. That is at least a $50 savings per person. In the month of August we are offering only a $10 card fee instead of the enrollment for students as our "Back to School" special. Also our next round of boot camps starts next Monday.

Next is an opportunity for a gas card. This is something everyone has to deal with and I personally love the sound of a free gas card! Especially now that I have my own vehicle again. is offering a gas card giveaway this week. The way to enter is to stop by the lot, and show the guys that you checked in on facebook. A winner will be randomly selected at the end of the week.

Exactly a month from today, Broken Arrow students will be back in classrooms. The first thing that pops into my head is "I still need school clothes!". Don't worry school goers, there is still plenty of time to get those new hipster threads. Oklahoma tax free weekend will take place August 17-19. Be safe in your shopping!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Would you like to test drive that?

Ladies and gents, it's that time again. (Everyone moan). Car shopping. Now, I know what you're thinking. Either you're thinking "I want the newest car with all the bells and whistles", "Car shopping can be fun," "Dave Ramsey says no car payments.", or "I just hate car shopping all together, it's like regular shopping but more expensive with more variables". I personally agree with all of those statements. But if you know me personally, you know I have been working my dancing little behind off for months to save to replace my little car who passed on to car heaven last October. Well, I've come within sight distance of my goal, and have found a great deal. Tomorrow I will get to take home my (new to me, but "gently" used) Ford explorer.

I am beyond excited! This will be a huge accomplishment for me and a lot of hard work finally paying off. Now with that being said, I still have a little bit of the price to pay off. In return for the great deal that I was offered, I'm helping the dealer get some publicity. This will be my second time buying a car off this lot. I have nothing but good things to say about the place.

iluvcheapcars is located off county line anbd 11th st, just before you hit Catoosa. They are reasonable with their prices and will work with you on payments. The lot gets a new selection in on a regular basis, and is always shifting around inventory. Their Facebook page is a great way to keep up on the know of their sales and deals, as well as new inventory. (Also google their name for their website). iluvcheapcars is open from 10-7pm Mon-Sat.

Now my little SUV does need some cosmetic help on the inside, but that's nothing this pinterest princess can't fix! And by the way, the gas mileage is not any worse than my mom's mini van. I've done my homework. I'm not afraid to clean it, change the oil, and make the repairs that I am capable of.  Plus it sounds like it will be a beast in the snow. So when we get our next blizzard, let me know if you need me to come rescue you. But best of all, I worked for it.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our First Anniversary

On June 22, 2012, Jonathan and I celebrated our first anniversary as girlfriend and boyfriend. I have to say, I am definately the luckiest girl in the world!

Throughout this past year, we've been through ups and downs in our lives, school, finances, trials of faith, and of course, our relationship. We survived a year of high school drama together, birthdays, holidays, and our families complaining that we're never home. It's been such a blast and we have so many incredible memories.

One of the awesome parts of the whole thing is that this is the longest relationship for both of us, and first one year day with someone. And I'm so glad I got to spend it with you Jonathan!

To celebrate our first year together, we had a fantastic dinner at Macaroni Grill. There we exchanged our gifts. I made Jon a 365 jar ( a jar with 365 peices of papers with memories and things to make him smile), a journal, and a B-Dubs gift card. He gave me an adorable key chain and souvenir mini license plate with my name on it, and a beautiful necklace with charms and "Everlasting" engraved in it. Then after dinner Jon took me to Academy to get some Thunder gear! Needless to say I had a great time! Thank you again Jon!

Jon, I can't wait for more great memories! I want you to know I'm very proud of all your accomplishments, and I'm so glad I have the honor of calling you mine!

Ladies and Gents, before you go, I ask you to keep Jon and his youth group in in your prayers. They are currently sharing God's love in Joplin. Then in mid-July, Jon will be on the group going to Belize. These are amazing young people that are going to do great things! Thanks for all your support!

Now to these groups: I am proud of all of you! Be careful, but be bold for God. I cannot wait to see you all when you get back and hear about all the great fun you had! Love you!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sweet Summertime

Summertime is sweet, and there is no doubt about that! I know my posts can often be a bit random but here are some really cool ideas, things to do, and just fun things to know this sunny season:

     I absolutely love Sundays! Sleeping in from the busy week, going to a late service, eating lunch with the family, and that amazing Sunday nap. This is usually the day I try to prepare for the week, but also rest. Today I spent my Sunday doing all these things. I would also like to invite anyone to join us next Sunday at Lifechurch. Pastor Craig is a great teacher that can truly relate to his audience.

   Okay, shifting gears. For those of you who are creative like me, pinterest is about to be your new best friend. This site has so many ideas to reuse household items, plan easy lunches and meals ahead of time, and countless tutorials. I personally have already made several recipes that were cheap, easy and delicious with just a few ingredients from my pantry. You can find pretty much anything on pinterest; including a way to pass the time!

     I also want to encourage parents and students to keep their eyes on the sales overy the next six weeks. Stores will have school supplies out as soon as Fourth of July has passed. If you start purchasing a few items that you know you will need here and there, your expense load will be lessened. Thus the week before schhool finance panic is dismissed. Then when teachers release the list of needed supplies, you will already be able to cross of a majority of the items needed. When it comes to clothes, remember that the stores will take place in the annual tax free weekend in early August. For teens I highly recommend visiting Plato's closet for unique and gently used items, and Hollister for it's back to school sale. ($20-$30 jeans, and $20 hoodies)



Friday, May 18, 2012

I Don't Want Perfection.

As the school year closes, I'm learning things I will do, say, act, buy, or think differently next year. I'm making a mental list of activities I must take part in, school clubs I want to be involved in, and ways to make a name for myself in my senior year. One thing in particular I've learned, is my unending disgust for perfection. I am my own worst critic.

Looks. Everyone is judged in high school for how they look. And I'll be the first to admit that I stereotype students by how they dress. Typically, it tells a lot about the person. But dear fellow high school preps, snobs, and even people who judge me- I am human. I am a teenage girl. My nail polish will hardly ever be perfect AND match my outfit at the same time. I have more bad hair days than I can count. I don't always wear make-up. I oversleep. I don't always look like I stepped off the cover of Seventeen or even American Cheerleader. I often wear things that are already old news in the fashion world. Or last year's tee shirts.
On the flip side, I like to keep my wardrobe fresh by mixing outfit combos. I love to accessorize. I highly recommend resale shops. I love to bargain shop. I like to create my own flair and style. And be me. I love to look pretty, but it means nothing if I don't feel pretty. And that does not mean I have to be perfect.

School work. Sometimes we have days that we are sinply not in the mood. Some days we have other things in our lives occurring that make it hard to focus on a history assignment about the French Revolution. Or maybe we physically feel awful, but absences aren't an option. These things happen. And I am no longer going to beat myself up over them. I am promising myself that I will try harder than ever during my senior year, to excel with my future in mind. But that doesn't mean perfection.

General personal flaws. Rumors, bad names, fallouts, and just plain jerks. They are everywhere. In high school- trusting no one is the best policy. (But you learn nothing that way.) Several points I need to make here-
A. I believe in a conflict, that you should try to "be the bigger person." Although, I don't think it always solves the problem. Hear me out though, I think there are certain ways according to each circumstance to handle ths issue. Maybe the person in question needs a non confrontational request for an apology. Maybe parents or police should be involved. (Please not that I am not promoting violence. Simply saying that "letting it roll off your back" does not always work.)
B. I am a Christian. I do believe the commandments of Jesus Christ. But being a Christian means that you are forgiven when you do wrong. Not that you are perfect. The only perfect being to ever walk planet earth is Jesus himself. I have my own personal opinions about piercings, tattoos, etc. I believe everything has a boundary. And not everyone's boundary is the same. This however does not give you the right to be rude or hateful to someone because of that choice. Live your live, not theirs!
You Only Live Once. Yes, this rap song by Drake and Lil Wayne has gone viral, and isn't the cleanest. Although, the message is so true. We have one life to live, and it could be taken away at any moment. Why waste so much time, money, and disapointment trying to make it perfect? It won't ever be. Obstacles are thrown our way each and every day to teach us and help us grow. So what if someone does something different than you? So what if your wedding isn't traditional? So what?

I only want happiness. I don't want perfection. One day I want to be able to tell my grandkids that I worked hard at what I did, but I had a great time while taking each moment and making it last. I want to inspire them to do crazy things, and learn from them. I want them to know that I will always love them, no matter what dumb things they do, and that I won't judge them. I want the best for my family, now and in the future. But not perfection.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

New Perspective

Over the past year I have developed some opinions about things due to experience. One of them being school. I love to gripe about school. The list of things I hate about it is endless. The list of things I'd rather be doing is rather lengthy. I so often feel sorry for teachers and the students they have to put up with, and the work they put in for little recognition.  I have strong opinions about the things BA schools is doing right and wrong. BUT, I've come to realize something...if you don't like something- change it. Do something about it.

(Pictured above is Mr. Chitty, the 2012 BAPS District Teacher of the Year)

If you would have asked me in January what my college plans I would have told you that the sound of college makes me want to barf. If I don't have to go, I'm not. I am going to work and save and ponder on my future. But seriously, what good will that do me?

When I was younger, I wanted to be a teacher. I love office supplies, decorating, teaching, presenting, getting dressed up for work, etc. Teaching is something I just keep coming back to. I realize that with teaching there are a lot of things that could stress you out. Defiant students, students who simply don't care, hateful parents, grading homework, etc. But (differing with age group) I've seen on so many occassions, the best teachers are the happiest. If you truly enjoy what you do, you are happy. If you are happy, your job is done to a higher standard. With some age groups, (and with boundaries in play) friendships are made. Memories are made. Teachers impact kids more than they ever know.

Throughout the school district I attend, there are things that I support, and things that simply disgust me. However, sitting back and complaining or planning on discriminating, I can join the team and work to make it  better. This entire mindset is going to take a tremendous amount of hard work, and heart. I've decided to make this my goal to make my family proud, support a future family, and make a difference.

So the moral of the story, little tykes, is- if you don't like something, CHANGE IT.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Senoritis. And I'm only a Junior.

I have just been self diagnosed with a pre-mature case of SENIORITIS. Everyone I know has it, and it's spreaading faster than wildfire. Broken Arrow seniors have already recieved their caps and gowns and the surrealness of it all is setting in.
Stores are stocking up on bikinis.
College acceptance letters are in the mail.
Warmer temperatures and tornado warnings are moving in.
The growing pains and itches of becoming that many steps closer to being an independent adult can be felt everywhere.
School becomes harder to focus on as teachers cram in more information for end of the year tests.
BA is on the brink of starting the dreaded block scheduling that lasts nearly a month.
Summer classes and programs are popping up on every corner.
Vacations, internships, and camps are being planned.
Are you ready?
Summer is within reach. Keep the goal in mind and keep your mental train on the tracks. Just a little bit longer...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Madness. The Full Series.

Nearly impossible.
I truly don't understand how this happens, but I feel as though karma is out to get me. I cannot seem to get or holf onto a full set of anything!
1. The Twilight Saga- I have books 2 and 3
2. Step Up- I have the soundtrack to the first and the second DVD
3. High School Musical- I own the first and third on DVD
4. The Hunger Games- I own the second book
I feel like there are more things that belong on this list...
Anyone else have this problem?

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

It has Arrived. The biggest epidemic to hit theaters since the Cullens. Katniss Everdeen. The Hunger Games.
Last night I stayed up to go to the premier and it was amazing. The effects of the futuristic set and the capital were incredible. The over the top Effie Trinket was captivating and just as peculiar as in the book. The action was incredible and Katniss was beautiful. Now unfortanutely, some aspects were left out simply because the book was so jam packed with action.
Without givng the movie away to those of you who haven't read the book- the ending is unexpected. There were times that I wanted to cry, and I;m sure I would have if I didn't know the outcome of certain situations.
Stats: Language is minimal. Not enough to really effect the movie. But just as pinterest says, sometimes "gosh darn" doesn't cover it.
There is no sexual content. A few sweet kisses (with Josh Hutcherson!!!) in life and death situations but that is all.
There is some gore. Not much, and the majority of it is blurred out. However, the plot of the movie is centrally to kill all the other opponents in the arena.
Be prepared to take several bathroom breaks BEFORE it starts. The movie is nearly three hours long.
Now, it is up to you to decide. Team Gale or Team Peeta. More info to come.
PS. I won't have time for a nap before work so anyone should feel free to drop off a snack at work to keep me awake! (:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's Spring Break y'all

Two words. Spring and break. Put them together and you get a phrase that generates happiness for any age. For some this means getting wasted, for some this means a vacation, and for me it's a priceless week away from school. Can I get a "Hallelujah"?
The majority of my spring break will consist of helping around the house and babysitting. Another portion of my time will be spent at my awesome new job. But don't get me wrong- I plan on spending time with my friends too. I am hoping to get my toes done with a new friend, and see Channing Tatum's newest comedy flick 21 Jump Street. I'm also looking forward to my boyfriend coming home from Spring Retreat with his youth group on Wednesday. He is arriving in Missouri as I write this, but I miss him already. Although it helps to know that he is safe, and having a blast as well.
But the real reason I love spring break and I am counting down to summer- is no school. This means not waking up at 6 am, no boring classes for 6 hours, no homework, and time to do what is really important/ necessary to me. Again, don't misunderstand, I think school is very important. Especially in today's world. Knowledge is power. However, the school system is broken. Teachers cannot control disrespectful students, administrators can't or don't solve problems, and the majority of of adults that work in the school system cannot relate to students therefore, they can't do their job to the capacity needed. There are also a multitude of opportunities available that don't require college educations. People all over our country have worked their way to and through a decent job to a comfortable standard of living without secondary education.
Side note: If I could say what I truly thought to some of our school officials and teachers, this is what I would say (more generally towards high school associated administration)-
"Have some compassion. I understand that students shouldn't sleep in class or finish their homework right before it's due the day of, but some of us lead very hectic and chaotic lives that you may never be able to understand even if you tried. "
Okay, okay, I'll get off the school rant, I just have had a few less than pleasurable experiences throughout my years in the public school system. So this spring break has only just begun, and its already going by too fast, so hang on!
Be bold. Try something new. Make a new friend. Take a break from something stressful. Rearrange furniture. Catch up on sleep. Take naps like a toddler. Cook something new. Buy new clothes. Spend time with family. Journal. Write. Stay up late and do something unexpected.
That is what spring break is all about.

Monday, March 5, 2012

She said yes

Today my boyfriend of almost nine months asked me to be his date to his senior prom. It was very original.
After school, before getting into the car, he handed me a sharpie and says "Turn around."
When I turned back around he had a white tee shirt on, that said, "Natasha, Prom? 4.28.12"
Then he says "Wait, you have to mark your answer." and turns around. The back of his shirt had a "yes" box and a "no" box. He had the "no" section marked out, anf then it said- "Looks like you have to say yes!" Which of course I did. Who could pass that cuteness up? Not me!
Also- ladies, I think it is completely dumb to make him wait to see the dress in question until the night of. It will be so much easier for him to coordinate if he knows what you are wearing. It's fun if he can help pick it out as well. Plus it's just a preview. On prom day he will see you with all your accessories, hair, nails, make-up etc. The "he can't see the dress" business should be for the wedding. You are still in high school. Relax, chicos.
Thanks, sweetheart. I can't wait to make a statement with you this year at Prom. It's going to be fantastic!

Professional part 2

Tonight at my job was a perfect example of how not to be professional. Would you like to get on my last nerve? Walk into a new job and act as though you are at the top of the food chain. News flash- that takes more than 2 hours. Even if you were CEO at your last job, it's a success ladder over here, and you can't skip steps.
Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone has bad days. Everyone needs to practice apologies, and assertiveness. I am aware of that, it applies to me too.
We are not entitled to our jobs. They are blessings that we are given to do for a time and a season for whatever reason that God may have in mind. I believe sometimes he puts us there to be an influence someone, be influenced, boost our career, or open doors in our lives. Take these opportunities to create relationships and networking that will open even more doors. This will not only make Him proud, and offer more blessings, but create success.
I have seen two people lose their jobs lately becuase of careless actions. Don't fall into that trap. It will cost you.

Professional. Nuff said.

There are many important concepts in life. Any one isn't more important than the others. However, some of them come easier. Professionalism- ranges. As I plan my outfits and such for my new job, I have to finish out my old job. Finish what you started.

Not only does this gain you respect, but you leave your job on good terms. Nowadays, everything is about networking. Who knows who. Doors could open for you that you didn't even know had been built, just because of knowing someone who knows someone. Note to those in the working world: BE PROFESSIONAL. And as ,uch as I love The Celebrity Apprentice, it's the perfect example of how NOT to act if you want success.

Well, now I'm off to finish my last Monday in the restaraunt world. (YES!) Healthier lifestyle, here I come. But again, I will finish out my job with respect and professionalism.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Well, as the weekend comes to a close, I am ready for some sleep.
Today I got a lot accomplished that was just nagging at me to get done. (i.e. cleaning my room. I spent 2.5 hours cleaning my room.) And it was all well worth it. However, I have an equally long list of things that did not get done. But that's life my friends.
This morning my family and I went to Life Church, and Pastor Craig didn't disapoint. He brought the same powerful message, and tummy hurting laughs as before. Over the last four weeks, he has been teaching about the story of Samson. Here are the highlights of the series.
1. Samson was a man with incredible strenght, but an incredibly weak will.
2. The attitudes that lead man to destruction are pride, entitlement, and lust.
3. Man doesn't ruin his life all at once, but one step at a time.
4. Failure is not a person, but an event.
We also learn that you must be careful with group texts, 'Hoebagger' is possibly a bad word, and that Life Church will use anything short of sin to get people into the house of the Lord. Including free snacks and Starbucks coffee before service.
Also: note to teens. The Switch is Life Church's youth program. Broken Arrow's campus will begin their segment of The Switch on March 7, at 7 pm. They're expecting a great turn out of movers and shakers to get our generation of high school students on a path of rightousness. There are opportunities to become student leaders available, for those of you interested. If you are hesitant, realize this- it will be everyone's first night. Everyone is at a fresh start to make new friends while drawing near to ur God. I will be there, and I dare you to come too.
You can check out the exciting tale of Samson and his journey in the book of Judges chapters 12-16.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

So pumped!

Well it's only Saturday night and it's already been a fantastic weekend!

Yesterday, ended the school week. That in itself was so fantastic. Then afterwards I got to spend some time with my sweetheart boyfriend, go to work, and retreat to home base.

Today, I got up, got some cleaning done, and took my sisters to a movie. (We saw Dr, Suess's The Lorax. It was adorable and I highly recommend it.) On the way home, we grabbed my newest obsession- shakes at Braum's. (Banana for me, please.) After I got home, my parents brought home three brand new laptops. One for me, my mom, and my sister. I was beyond ecstatic. I have been wanting my own laptop for EVER. Definately the sunshine in my stressful weekend. This electronic is going to have so many uses, its unbelievable! Now I can do school work and blog with ease, watch YouTube videos anytime I want and it's all portable. Thanks again, Mom and Dad.- I also want to add that walmart has an adorable selection of laptop sleeve cases. The designs are reversible and under $20. And yes, I did get the zebra print cover.

Tomorrow will be another blessing filled day. Beginning with church at 10 with the family and boyfriend, lunch, then ballet practice at 12:30. Then the remainder of the day full of laundry, organizing, and homework.

Again, more blessings I am thankful for- I am excited for more trainging at my new job this week. The Hub Gym on main street in Broken Arrow, has provided me with an amazing oppurtunity, of becoming not only an associate, but an advocate for healthy living. I highly recommend The Hub, not only because I am now an employee, but a fellow exerciser. The facility is gorgeous, and modern, and just the right size. It's not overwhelming, and our focus is the relationships we create with our customers. We offer many oppurtunities to get involved in life changing programs, fun filled classes, and also offer membership discounts to service men. Healthy living, eating, and exercise are very important to me, and I can't wait to get on a better track and lifestyle.

Monday, January 16, 2012

PROM part 2

All right prom goers, I need to clarify, specify and add to last week's Prom article.

1. Ladies, if you haven't kept up with your exercise new year's resolution, make a shoter term goal to get in shape for prom. There arecountless choices to choose from. Grab Just Dance for the wii and set a goal of 3 songs a day, and try to beat your own score. The internet has many easy workouts to choose from, as well as YouTube videos. Or pick up a copy of Seventeen magazine or the like for an easy but toning workout. Magazines like these typically feature celeb trainers. Last but not least- workout with your boyfriend. Run, jog, teach him ballet, play the wii. It's a great way to bond and get ready for Prom together.

2. girls- make any appointments (hair, makeup, nails, dress alterations, etc. 1-3 weeks in advance. ) Tanning shuld be started and done over a span of at least 6 weeks prior to the event. guys- make any reservations ( dinner or transportation) at least 1-3 weeks in advance.

3. girls- plan the itenerary of Prom day in advance to avoid stress. (Sleep in; don't skip lunch or breakfast; last minute tanning; hair, nails or make up appointments; any pre-parties; set time for date to arrive; plenty of time for pictures; dinner; dance)

4. Leave a few extra minutes before leaving the house for lots of pictures. Have fun with cute poses! Pictures are something you can use to look back on years down the road.

5. Guys- don't be afraid to speak up. If you would like to wear a certain color, eat a certain place, or even surprise your date with the dinner choice, tell her! Go with your date (if she would like) to pick out her dress. Compsomise on something you both love, and makes her feel beautiful.

6. Decide either as a couple (or individually if going with friends) what your after promn plans are. There are always parties and friends going out, be careful with what you choose. Deciding before hand what the plan is prevents anyone persuading anyone else to do anything or go anywhere they are uncomfortable with. Couples- set your boundaries before so there is no question!

7. Guys, save a few bucks for after the dance. By the time the dance is over I'm sure you and your date would appreciate a drink, or shake, etc. And yes- fast food is acceptable for afterwards. (McDonald's, Steak'n'Shake, Braum's)

8. Corasages, (as pictured above) can be purchesed and pre ordered at Reasor's, or Arrow flowers and Gifts on main street. Keep in mind the color scheme you are going in so everything matches.

9. If you are still a lost little puppy when it comes to prom- ask a trusted friend, cousin, mentor, etc. who has been there and done that.

10. The biggest tip I can share is this- Don't stress, be yourself, and have fun!

Closer to the event, I will post details, rules, and dress code for the Broken Arrow prom. As well as other suggestions for dress shops, nail salons, tanning salons, etc.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear are some trends, DIY tips, and etiqutte for the highly anticipated event of the year- Prom.

1. A bright contrasting nail polish. French anicures are classy and always look great. However, a DIY maincure is cheaper, and can be used as an accessory.

2. Don't be afraid to buy a cheap pair of heels, and use your glue gun! If you like bling, cover those babies in rhinestones! Make a design that matches your dress, or make an eye catching statement. Hit up your local Micheals, Hobby Lobby, or Wal-Mart for craft supplies.

3. Hair and make-up. The possibilities are endless! Spend some time on YouTube, and find some hair/ makeup tutorials. There are hundreds of celebrity look based videos to choose from.

4. GUYS: If you plan to take a girl you really care about to prom, ask her to be your date in a way she will never forget. (And if you can't think of anything special or unique, here is my advice- go watch the disney movie Prom, or GOOGLE IT.)

5. girls: Unless your man is ridiculously wealthy, be kind and don't make him pay for both tickets. If your school is anything like Broken Arrow, it will cost $50 for each ticket. And there's no way I'm making my date pay $100for the two of us to dance in a packed sweaty room for a few hours,

6. Don't wait until the last minute to purchase dress, shoes, and guy's ensemble. It will be close to impossible to get what you truly want (and fits) and still match.

7. Reserve corsage and bouttaniere in advance. Again, they wil match better, and you won't have an irritated florist giving you left overs. (Don't be that guy who cals your date the morning of saying "Oh yeah, uh did you want a corsage thingy?" You will be the dumb guy we make fun of on twitter.)

Guys Prom Checklist:


2.Method of asking girl to be date

3. vest /tie that matches date's dress

4. remainder of outfit (pants,shoes, etc.)

5. dinner/ post prom snack

6. corsage

7. clean car for picking up date

Girls Prom Checklist:

1. Ticket

2. Dress

3. Appropriate undergarments for dress (espcieally if dress is a cut out, low in the back, or strapless, This is important to avoid wardrobe malfunctions.)

4. manicure/ pedicure

5. Make-up/ false eye lashes

6. Hair

7. Jewelry/ accessories/ clutch

8. shoes

9. pre-prom tanning membership

10. Professional pictures

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Current State of the Union

Here is my list of things that I LOVE, just in time for the new year!

1. Jenna Marbles. Her language is a bit...out there, but she is hilarious. Her facial expressions are indescribable, and I think I just might make that face next time I'm annoyed. (see picture above) This famous expression is used for people you don't want to talk to or when guys try to dirty dance. Simply tur and give them the Jenna Marbles face.

2. The new Facebook timeline. It looks a lot a like Myspace layout, but it seriously makes the ordinary Facebook look pretty lame. Props to you for looking cool again Facebook!

3. Dear Please Says, or Dear Blank Please Blank. There are apps and twitter accounts with these clever quotes and I just love them!

4. The atmosphere of Panera in the morning. I love going to Panera Bread, getting some ridiculously over priced (but crazy good) food, and relaxing. The restaraunts are wi-fi hot spots so you can usually find people escaping the fast track life for a short while, or getting some work done. The atmosphere is relazed with classical music and friendly staff. ( I recommend the Panera on Aspen between 71st and 81st in Broken Arrow)

5. Blow off classes. I don't care who you are or what grade you're in, we all need one or two. Or three. Those of us who take advantage of these classes use them to catch up on other school work, socializng, or...sleep.

6.Journals. No, I don't mean the Diary you kept in seventh grade that you had to hide from your brother. I mean a journal (which may still need to be hidden) that you can truly vent to, make goal lists in, log exercise progress, etc. This is a place you can feel free to say anything and everything.

(Please do not confuse this with Facebook, Twitter, or blogging. The Internet is a very dangerous place, even for young adults. If you would not want a parent, employer, college administrator, future child or grandparent to see, DON'T POST IT. Things can be hacked, copied, and taken from your computer as soon as they are put into the hard drive. Pictures should be posted with even more caution. You never know who will see them. Please, protect yourself and the ones you love before the authorities have to step in. )