Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear are some trends, DIY tips, and etiqutte for the highly anticipated event of the year- Prom.
1. A bright contrasting nail polish. French anicures are classy and always look great. However, a DIY maincure is cheaper, and can be used as an accessory.
2. Don't be afraid to buy a cheap pair of heels, and use your glue gun! If you like bling, cover those babies in rhinestones! Make a design that matches your dress, or make an eye catching statement. Hit up your local Micheals, Hobby Lobby, or Wal-Mart for craft supplies.
3. Hair and make-up. The possibilities are endless! Spend some time on YouTube, and find some hair/ makeup tutorials. There are hundreds of celebrity look based videos to choose from.
4. GUYS: If you plan to take a girl you really care about to prom, ask her to be your date in a way she will never forget. (And if you can't think of anything special or unique, here is my advice- go watch the disney movie Prom, or GOOGLE IT.)
5. girls: Unless your man is ridiculously wealthy, be kind and don't make him pay for both tickets. If your school is anything like Broken Arrow, it will cost $50 for each ticket. And there's no way I'm making my date pay $100for the two of us to dance in a packed sweaty room for a few hours,
6. Don't wait until the last minute to purchase dress, shoes, and guy's ensemble. It will be close to impossible to get what you truly want (and fits) and still match.
7. Reserve corsage and bouttaniere in advance. Again, they wil match better, and you won't have an irritated florist giving you left overs. (Don't be that guy who cals your date the morning of saying "Oh yeah, uh did you want a corsage thingy?" You will be the dumb guy we make fun of on twitter.)
Guys Prom Checklist:
2.Method of asking girl to be date
3. vest /tie that matches date's dress
4. remainder of outfit (pants,shoes, etc.)
5. dinner/ post prom snack
6. corsage
7. clean car for picking up date
Girls Prom Checklist:
1. Ticket
2. Dress
3. Appropriate undergarments for dress (espcieally if dress is a cut out, low in the back, or strapless, This is important to avoid wardrobe malfunctions.)
4. manicure/ pedicure
5. Make-up/ false eye lashes
6. Hair
7. Jewelry/ accessories/ clutch
8. shoes
9. pre-prom tanning membership
10. Professional pictures
I love your #7 on the guys list. Haha.