To Whom It May Concern, (aka few but yet still loved readers:)
I've missed you. My opinions and thoughts and need to release these thoughts has been unending. SO! Let's begin with this Hodge Podge of teenage jazz.
For those of you who are curious or didnt know, I am no longer a cosmetology student. The high-school-girl-drama cliche had gotten seriously out of control. I have many different reasons for leaving, but I felt far less stressed after leaving. This is giving me an oppurtunity to put other aspects of my life on the forefront, and leave the stressful behind.
Next- How many of you actually make New Year's resolutions? (No, for real) Everyone figures out eventually that those usually last a week. Thus, I make a goal/ bucket list for the year. A simple list of prsonal goals (read bible daily, exercise 5 times a week, etc.), and random things I want to do (by In Time on DVD, retake ACT, buy nw car, etc.). This is much more fun than the typical boring resolutions.
During my hiatus from the blog, (I'm sorry I was gone so long!) I had an amazing 17th birthday, a second car wreck (I don't like ambulance rides) threw my boyfriend a surprise birthday party, had a great Christmas,and an unexpected date night.
My second car wreck was far worse than the first and followed with two emergency room visits. My second car was brutally crushed, and I had injuries that were extremely painful. Once again (even though I had lots of rainbow bruises, goose eggs, a head injury, and vomting) I was incredibly blessed. The impact of the SUV against my little ford escort was quite ugly. Thank the Lord I am still here to tell the story. And I must coninue to brag, my boyfriend Jonathan brought me a zebra pillow pet, and stayed with me the entire weekend that I was home on the couch and in the hospital multiple times.
A few weeks later was the set date for the 2012 Miss Broken Arrow and Miss Broken Arrow Outstanding Teen pageant. However, due to lack of entries and rule complications, they could not crown a teen that night. I had spent so much time, effort, and money preparing fo this competition. I had put my entire heart into wantig to be crowned, as this was my last year to compete for Outstanding Teen. Needless to say, I was crushed. But it made me think about if the pageant jazz wa worth it and truly for me. After some thought, I figured out it really isn't. I still support all the other beautiful girls involved, but I'm choosing not to stress myself out with the idea of trying to reach perfection for total strangers. Now, Jonathan knew how much this title and competition meant to me and how hard I had worked. He knew I needed to not sit on the couch that Saturday night. He gave me a reson to dress up and took me on a surprise filled date night. The evening consisted of 3 parts. First he took me to main street for another photo shoot. He takes amazing pictures! Then we proceeded to a fabulous dinner at Charleston's, then to the movies to see 'In Time'. (By the way, I LOVE that movie, I give it 5 stars!)
On November 13, 2011, I turned 17 years old. I had a grea day just spending time with my family and friends! I got some new clothes and adorab;e zebra and hot pink bedding. Jonathan took me out to get my nails done, and bought me a pink build-a-bear.
Less than two weeks after my birthday was Jonathan's 18th birthday. I had planned a surprise birthday party for him months in advance. The Saturday following his brthday I spent all day preparig for his party and barely managed to convince him to go. He was truly surprised and it was so much fun making him feel special!
This Christmas, nearly everyone I knew got a fancy electronic. I was honestly quite satisfied with my new clothes, new rainboots (thanks babe), and Teen Study Bible, among other things. Oh and Just Dance 3 for the wii!!!! This game is so much fun and a fantastic workout! I highly recommend it! The picture bove is Jonathan and I on Christmas day and my grandparent's house. The first Christmas we've had together, with many more to follow!
BA's Ballerina
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