All right prom goers, I need to clarify, specify and add to last week's Prom article.
1. Ladies, if you haven't kept up with your exercise new year's resolution, make a shoter term goal to get in shape for prom. There arecountless choices to choose from. Grab Just Dance for the wii and set a goal of 3 songs a day, and try to beat your own score. The internet has many easy workouts to choose from, as well as YouTube videos. Or pick up a copy of Seventeen magazine or the like for an easy but toning workout. Magazines like these typically feature celeb trainers. Last but not least- workout with your boyfriend. Run, jog, teach him ballet, play the wii. It's a great way to bond and get ready for Prom together.
2. girls- make any appointments (hair, makeup, nails, dress alterations, etc. 1-3 weeks in advance. ) Tanning shuld be started and done over a span of at least 6 weeks prior to the event. guys- make any reservations ( dinner or transportation) at least 1-3 weeks in advance.
3. girls- plan the itenerary of Prom day in advance to avoid stress. (Sleep in; don't skip lunch or breakfast; last minute tanning; hair, nails or make up appointments; any pre-parties; set time for date to arrive; plenty of time for pictures; dinner; dance)
4. Leave a few extra minutes before leaving the house for lots of pictures. Have fun with cute poses! Pictures are something you can use to look back on years down the road.
5. Guys- don't be afraid to speak up. If you would like to wear a certain color, eat a certain place, or even surprise your date with the dinner choice, tell her! Go with your date (if she would like) to pick out her dress. Compsomise on something you both love, and makes her feel beautiful.
6. Decide either as a couple (or individually if going with friends) what your after promn plans are. There are always parties and friends going out, be careful with what you choose. Deciding before hand what the plan is prevents anyone persuading anyone else to do anything or go anywhere they are uncomfortable with. Couples- set your boundaries before so there is no question!
7. Guys, save a few bucks for after the dance. By the time the dance is over I'm sure you and your date would appreciate a drink, or shake, etc. And yes- fast food is acceptable for afterwards. (McDonald's, Steak'n'Shake, Braum's)
8. Corasages, (as pictured above) can be purchesed and pre ordered at Reasor's, or Arrow flowers and Gifts on main street. Keep in mind the color scheme you are going in so everything matches.
9. If you are still a lost little puppy when it comes to prom- ask a trusted friend, cousin, mentor, etc. who has been there and done that.
10. The biggest tip I can share is this- Don't stress, be yourself, and have fun!
Closer to the event, I will post details, rules, and dress code for the Broken Arrow prom. As well as other suggestions for dress shops, nail salons, tanning salons, etc.
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