Saturday, November 17, 2012

Moment For Life

"I fly with the stars in the skies,
I can no longer try to survive,
I believe that life is a prize,
But to live doesn't mean you're alive.

Don't worry bout me,
and who I fire
I get what I desire,
it's my empire
And yes I call the shots,
I am the umpire
I sprinkle holy water,
upon the vampire (vampire)
In this very moment I'm king,
In this very moment I slay Goliath with a sling,
This very moment I bring
Put it on everything, that I will retire with the ring
And I will retire with the crown, Yes!

No I'm not lucky I'm blessed, Yes!
Clap for the heavyweight champ, Me! But I couldn't do it all alone, We!"
Moment for Life by Nicki Minaj ft. Drake

I know what you're thinking. You hate Taylor Swift and just quoted Nicki Minaj. What even. Hold up there my fellow critics. I could also write my own colorful review of Miss Minaj, but this is one song that could be my anthem. I'm not hood enough to even download her other songs. Not only do I love Drake's voice, but the lyrics (especially this first verse I pasted) is such a decleration of power and happiness.

Today is definately one of those days that I am just feeling an incredible rush of happiness. This past week has been so great! I had trouble sleeping for days prior just because I was so excited! On Tuesday I turned 18. FINALLY. I got a sweet surprise from my man, mom took me to get my nails done, some time with my family, and then I was officially sworn in to the United States Air Force. What an amazing experience! And an special shout out to my SWITCH girls for surprising me with a yummy cookie cake! I am so incredibly blessed and thankful for each and every person who made this the best birthday yet!

I am so optimistic about the climb I am on, where I am currently, and the beautiful view I will reach soon. I have a plan for my future, and amazing people to spend it with. Not to mention all the new friends I'll make along the way! I've only begun my airman adventure and already made amazing friendships. Kalley, you're definately on my list of role models and heroes!
The moments of bliss I've been blessed with lately, I truly wish I could have for life. They are indescribable, and made with sheer joy.

Senior year is almost half way over thank goodness! Everyone I know encouraged me to enjoy it and hang on to it. I think that if you're one of those people who wants to live in high school forever, I just want to say I'm sorry. That is a bit sad to me. Life is at our fingertips! I know many students, etc. who are scared of the real world. I say, Bring it! Let's get this going. My senior paper has been turned in, I'm ready for Christmas break, prom, spring break, and my cap and gown to be in my mainucred fingers! Class of 2013, baby!

There are definately times where it can all get overwhelming. For instance, I've never been a good runner. (Which I honestly think was mostly a mental block...) I just zone out and picture my military uniform, my new car, my future, and making everyone around me proud. Those things drive me so much. It's amazing to compare my outlook a year ago, to now. I had no idea where my future was going and everything was so up in the air. I'm talking in the air like NASA. Nowhere close to a plan. Then when I did have a plan, it changed more than my nail polish. Now I have a goal. I have extremely high expectations for myself and failure is simply not an option. That creates the powerful drive that gives me such a high. Sprinkle in a few fairytale moments and a smile I cannot get off my face and you've got one extremely blessed and happy Natasha.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Not so Swift.

The music world is full of prodiges, and Taylor Swift is no exception. However, I am no longer a Swift heart.

At the beginning of Taylor's career she was an innocent Nashville voice with beautiful blonde waves. She had a sense of vulnerability to her passionate song writing that stopped everyone in their tracks. Her songs were relateable and touching. Yes, I have a select few that I definately feel were written for me. This is not the Taylor you see today posing for Cosmo magazine.

So let me say what I enjoy about her. My favorite album was definately Speak Now. The songs were fun, and you could see her personality throughout the album. I also admire her songwriting abilities. For that I say, "Well done." You saw that Taylor was bridging the gap between country and pop, but still rang true to herself.
Taylor's success is inspiring, and the humility she has displayed throughout the first segment of her career was something we should all learn from.

Taylor's music overall is beginning to rub me the wrong way. Her songs are all about one thing- boys. How they broke her heart, how she loved and it wasn't returned, how he cheated and should have stood up for her and the list goes on. And they are almost all about her real life relationships. I'm beginning to wonder if she ever does anything else with her time...

So far she has dated Joe Jonas, John Mayer, Jake Gyllenhaal, a Kennedy (maybe 2) and others.

Taylor we want to hear about your life outside of boys.

As a celebrity, one has so much influence, power (and money) to make a difference in this broken world. Whether it be through a charity or simply setting a good example for young fans. I personally want to follow someone with goals, discipline, a HEALTHY relationship, and a burning love for Christ. To my knowledge, Taylor is only in the headlines for who she dates. Even some of the other top earning celebs have been noted for reaching out. (Justin Bieber, Brangelina, Oprah...the list goes on.)

In my opinion, Taylor is nowhere near the girl she was when she released the first album featuring "Our Song". Not only is her sound different, but her looks and personality too. I miss those gorgeous blonde curls and innocent songs, not to mention the girl trying to hard to imitate a former Kennedy. (Although Jackie had class that was impeccable.) I am no longer a fan.

One day I hope to have a Miranda-Blake fairy tale. Hopefully there's a man who can handle this bundle of glitter covered gunpowder and lead.

Please note no Swift songs, ex-boyfriends, or fans were harmed in the making of this blog.