Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Skinny...isn't always good: toughts about real beauty

In today's society, people are obsessed with self image. Everyone is trying to impress someone else. Everyone is trying to look like a Kardashian or a Beckham, or the newest icon, Kate Middleton. Everyone wishes..."If I could only change...blank...then I would be happy." The truth is, that's not what self image is all about. Beauty comes from within.

However, with all that being said, millions of people in America still struggle with weight. How many times do we hear our loved ones say, "I'm trying to lose weight", or "After this day I'll start working out", or my biggest pet peeve, "I wish I was as skinny as you." I will not boast or brag, but simply state I am a size 2. I'm tall and lean. Don't get me wrong, I have insecurities and things I would love to change. I'm human just like you. I have been told since I was little how skinny I am. And I am speaking for all the teen and young adult girls out there: sometimes being constantly told how skinny we are can be almost as bad as someone hearing they are fat. The worst part of it all is that usuallythe people that make these comments, are smaller than me. It kills me that some of the most beautiful girls I know and see can't see the beauty everyone else sees.

I encourage girls everywhere to pray about their insecurities. These are voids only God can fill.

1 Peter 3:3-4 says: "Don't be concerned with the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, woth unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." God loves each and every oneof us exaclty the way we are. These are the promises and scriptures I call on when I am feeling insecure.

Also, a very good friend of mine once said, "We are all flawed, but that's what makes us perfect. It's what seperates us from the norm. Don't let your flaws be your weakness, let your flaws be the glue that holds your strength together."

Above I have posted a picture of the supermodel, Crystal Renn. You can see in both photos that she is very beautiful. However, in one photo she is much thinner than in the other. Skinny is not always best or beautiful. What's important is the inner beauty, and using your flaws to help you grow as a person and individual.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Being the Ballerina

Well, as my blog implies, I am a ballerina. Since I was teeny tiny I have wanted nothing more. Every time music came on, I was moving. I tried other activities such as soccer, gymnastics, softball, and tennis. Every time I tried something it would seem fun at first, but I just wasn't satisfied. I kept returning to dance. When I was about nine years old, I began taking jazz, tap, and ballet classes. I fell in love with dancing, learning the french terms, the costumes, and performing.

Throughout my pre teen years I took some time away from sports and comepted in a couple pageants before returning. In the eighth grade, I became a Tigette. I was hooked. The drill team aspect was like nothing I'd ever had before. The other girls on the team became my second families. Of course we fought and had our ups and downs, but we learned so much. We grew as individuals, dancers, and young women. That year gave me a better foundation for my dancing itself. I can still do most of the routines and it's been years since I performed as a Tigette.

The following summer, I had private training for a pageant in Oklahoma City. A young woman from my church was a teacher a the Jasinski Academy, (yes, the famous Jasinski family!) and blessed me with 6 hours of private training. This was my first solo routine, and I performed to "Keys to the Kingdom" by Group 1 Crew. (By the way, Group 1 Crew is an amazing christian trio!) I won the tri state pageant title that year but was beat in the talent division due to lack of dance floor...

A few months later, I enrolled at Beautiful Feet Studios. My teacher is the beautiful Pam Arroyo, and has several years of training and performances under her belt. Her daughters dance as well, including her middle daughter who is a Union Highstepper. I have been dancing at her studio for over a year now and Miss Pam definately pushes me to be the best dancer I can be. Not only has she helped me break in pointe shoes, but she has trained me for my second solo routine and spring recital. In August of 2010 we began my signature solo: Glamorous. I preformed it in the talent portion of Miss BA 2011 in February. Then Pam and I taught my new dance partner the routine which we performed together at the spring recital. I also performed on pointe for the first time at recital.

I'll be the first to admit I'm still an amataure and I'm still learning, but I am very passionate about dance. The events listed above are just a few of what I've done. I've been in other talent shows, The Nutcracker, and other things as well. This summer I am rehearsing for the August performance of Sleeping Beauty and preparing my next competition routine. The picture credits above go to Kelsey Higley.

Being a ballerina is a lot of glitz and glamour, but it's also pain, perserverence, and intellegence. As my teacher says, "There is no such thing as a dumb ballerina." However, I love what I do and I pray that God gives me the strength and guidance to continue to dance for Him.

Friday, June 24, 2011

An Unexpected Treasure

For those of you who know me, you are aware of my love for pageants. Ask me what I know and we could be here for hours. And believe it or not, I'm still an amateur! (competed in 5 pageants, with 2 sub category wins, and 1 tri state title). My most recent competition was this past February, here in Broken Arrow. I competed against 3 other beautiful girls for the title of Miss Broken Arrow's Outstanding Teen. Despite the fact that I was not able to bring the gorgeous crown home this year, I learned more than I thought possible. But the best thing I got out of the entire process, was a new friend.

Throughout the process I was clearly nervous, as this was my first time competing in the Miss America circuit, (the best by far). I learned not to judge people from the way they look as well. The first time I met the other girls, they didnt seem that nice. Really it was all just nerves. To this day, I am so thankful that I went throught it all with Aldyn Phillips.

Aldyn is a beautiful student at Union High School and is very deciated to her school work, her platform, her family, and her passion for piano. We helped each other prepare, and supported each other the entire weekend. During a stressful pageant weekend, having great room mates in your dressing room can have a huge impact on your mood and performance. We really were all in it together.

I am proud to say that Aldyn took home the 2011 title. She did an amazing job. She looked beautiful in all of her outfits and remained poised even when the rest of us were sweating in our spotlight. At the end of the night I recieved a text message from her telling me that I had done a wonderful job and that she couldn't wait to spend some quality time with me. That truly meant the world to me. Pageants are full of glitz and glamour, but here in the Miss America circuit, we support all of our fellow girls. Cattiness is out there but you won't find it here in BA.

In the following months, I attended events that Aldyn and Lydia Gray (Miss Broken Arrow 2011) appeared at and it was a wonderful experience. Not only am I supporting a dear friend, but preparing for next year. I am getting a first hand look at what her job truly is. Pictured above is Aldyn and I at the send off party for Lydia and Aldyn before the Miss Oklahome competition. (I am on the left, Adyn is on the right.)

So to Aldyn, thank you for everything. You have been such ana amazing friend to me and I can't thank you enough. I hope and pray that we continue to be there for each other. I am so proud of you for making Rookie Talent and getting into the top ten at Miss Oklahoma. You truly are a treasure. You will go far in life and I love you.

Bliss Addiction

Gather round ladies! If you are anything like me you love accessories, bling, style, and all of the above! Sometimes it's hard to find unique pieces without spending your entire paycheck. Fret not sweet girls, I have found the perfect solution. My beautiful coworker, Brittany Bolesky, has her very own business known as "Bliss Addiction."

Among other things she creates stunning belt buckles, bracelets, and other rhinestone covered treats. Her latest creation is feather clips. These are just like the feather extension/ weaves, but better. (and much much cheaper!) The clips come in many different colors and styles, and are longer ad more noticeable than the original fad starter. Plus these usually have beads as well. They are the perfect accessory to spice up a drab wardrobe. The feather clips start at $5 and go up from there.

Be sure to lie Bliss Addiction on facebook to see all her products, and recieve updates. Thanks for letting me share, Brittany. We wish you the best(: Above, is pictured a feather clip modeled by Brittany herself.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ink's has done it again!

Well ladies and gentlemen, the competition is getting stiff. Recently our very own Ink's Shaved Ice has amazed us once again. On Monay, June 20, Glen invited my best friend Jon and I to come and test out his flavors.

But first, I need to clear a few things up. First of all, Ink's carries a total of 61 flavors, many of which are not listed on the side of the shack. So always be sure to ask what's new. Any time a customer asks for a partcicular flavor that is not carried, Glen writes and down and orders it special just for that customer. Also keep in mind that the dome on these snow cones may not always be snow cap perfect. However, Glen says that each snow cone is its own sculptured treat. Next on the list is extra syrup. The owner feels that charging for extra syrup is highly unnecessary, for those of youwho ned a little extra sugar in your diet. Lastly, the tee shirts come in pink, green, AND white (once again, they are $10).

Now I want to rave about these flavors. I have never tasted flavors this real! Each flavor taste exaclty like what it is named. So far my top favorites are yellow cake batter, cappucino, wedding cake mixed with blue coconut, canteloupe, and many others. I want to thank Glen and his wife Lindsay once again for allowing Jon and I to come try out their wonderful flavors, and for the awesome shirts. Represent!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ink's Shaved Ice Review

Welcome back snow cone lovers! The Battle Continues for the most epic treat in BA. Our next contender is Ink's Shaved Ice. This fine establishment is located on the corner of 71st and Elm here in BA. It is owned by Glen and Lindsay Sykes, ( who are even sweeter tan the shaved ice!) and has many wonderful thngs to offer. So let's get started!

ICE: 9 The ice had a great consistency! Not chunky at all, and it didn't crumble out of the cup. There was not a complete dome, but just the right amount.

FLAVORS: 10 The selection and variety of the flvors is mind blowing! most shcks have the same flavors and combos, but not here they have the most unique flavors including bahama mama, dill pickle, cappuccino, toasted coconut, and many more. (Glen also wants everyone to know there are 21 more flavors on the way!)

PRESENTAION: 9 Everything looked great!! No complaints here

SHACK: 10 This shack is insanely adorable! You can't miss it! It's hot pink and green and has great decor.

OTHER: 10 The shack offers T-shirts ($10 in pink or green) and the owners were extremely hospitable! The shack also has punch cards available for the frequent flyers.

Congratualtions! Ink's has earned 48 of the total 50 points! I like forward to visiting again to test out those unique flavors and snag my very own pink tee. Above Ihave pictured four year old little Tatum enjoying a sno cone in front of the shack on a hot day in June! Also looking forward to passing out awards at the end of the summer.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Heartbreak Part Two, painful even to type!

Well, to those of you that follow, I feel like I left out quite a bit.
First, I wanted to bring up another coping mechanism, I love to write letters. I also love to write letters to people I may never see or talk to etc. For example: ladies, write a letter to your ex man! He will most likely never read it but getting what you would say to him down on paper feels so good!

Next, our right hand lady, Krista has brought us some quotes. (These are just some I like, they are not directly pointed at anyone.)
1. Relationships are like glass, sometimes it's better to leave them broken then to try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
2. I don't miss him, I miss who I thought he was.
3. Some people think that it's holding on that makes on strong; sometimes it's letting go.
4.If you're going to make me cry, at least be there to wipe awy the tears
5. Trying to forget someone you love, is like trying to remember someone you never met
6. It takes seconds to say hello, but forever to say goodbye.
7. Love can sometimes be magic. But sometimes magic is just an illusion.
And I'm sure there are many more!

Josh's Snow Shack Review

Let the quest for the best snow cone in BA begin!

First as an intro let me tell you what this is all about! I worked at a snow cone shack for a few weeks last summer, and I've been hooked ever since. I am here to help rate and review all the shacks in the Broken Arrow. Each shack will be rated in various categories. Then at the end of the summer I will give awards for various categories and then the grand award of "BA's best Snow Cone Shack of 2011". Good luck!

Our first contender is close to my heart: Josh's Snow Shack on 71st and Garnett

ICE: 9 The ice is a great consistancy, and it doesnt freeze into chunks by the time you get to the bottom of the cup

FLAVORS: 9 The flavors are excellent and the sign outside the shack is extremely user friendly. There are endless possibilities and my favorite part, is they don't turn your mouth colors.

PRESENTATION: 8 The syrup stayed in the cup and there was the perfect amount. The ice was right below the brim. Which was perfect for on the go and easy to maintain.

SHACK: 10 The shack is very large and open, with two windows for order an pick up. There is music playing outside, shade trees and picnic tables.

OTHER: 10 The service was great, and the attendants were very polite. The shack also sells T-shirts ($10) and bumber stickers ($1)

Congratualtions Josh's! At your first round of the summer you have earned 46 points out of a possible 50! Above I have pictured Krista and I on our trip on June 6th. I got a small fuzzy navel with a hint of coconut, and she got a mix of coconut, banana, and vanilla. They hit that sweet spot for sure!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

It will feel like it, but it's not the end of the world.

The dreaded "B" word has come upon us. It feels terrible just saying it. You know..."break up." Ouch. Unfortanutely, I can't say I didn't see it comig but I most definitely am not enjoying it. Within the last 24 hours, my boyfriend of almost 5 months and I have split up. Out of respect, I will leave as many details of the story out as possible. (You can thank me later..)

Therefore, I want to share some insight to all my other girls out there who are goung through the same thing. (Or need to very quikly). First of all: it will feel like the end of the world for a while, but it's not. It's going to hurt. It's going to cloud your brain, make you sad, make you irritable, and keep you up at night. That is all pretty normal. The tough part is when other people ask a million questions or bring up other possibilities of "what if"s. Or when the try to trivialize your pain. Just because you are young does not mean that you did not care for the person and truly have a relationship.

The next part is realizing that venting is good. I am the queen of "let me come cry on your shoulder!" That is perfectly okay as well. In fact, I recommend doing that! But here is where a red flag comes in: be careful not to stretch the story, or tell too many people. Put the story on a need-to-know basis. Otherwise you end up making yourself look bad, and opinions of both parties form that should not be. I've also learned the hard way that bashing, or negatively talking about someone does not help anyone. It may make you feel better for that second, but in the end it does the opposite of good.

I also have my own list of remedies:

1. venting

2. write it out! (That is what I'm doing now and believe me it helps!)

3. take all photos and rminders down. Do not throw them away until you have thought that through, so fornow just get them out of sight.

4. change you facebook status and picture. (ths should be a given)

5. change pictures and little things in your phone dedicated to him, etc.

6. make a playlist for how you feel. ( I'll post mine later in the article)

7. Exercixe. The adrenaline helps clear you mind and will make you feel great and look great.

8. Load up on junk food. Find your comfort food and stock up! (If it helps, you can work out after you finish crying)

9. This next one is for the strong ones: write a list about the good things and bad things that your break up is resulting in. It will help you sort out the internal battle.

10. Do projects or things you have beenputting off, or request extra days at work just to keep your mind busy.

11. Remember not to stay down long. This only gives them power over you. Cry it all out, then get back up and show the world what a strong woman you are.

12. This by far is the most important: Pray. Only the Lord can give you the true strength you need. (which will also help you sleep!)

So ladies, I know it's tough. Believe me, I know. But these are our learning years. To figure out who we are and how we click, and how we click with others. It's extremely easy to get our hopes up, or expect far too much out of someone who clearly does not take hints, but that just means there is something bette out there. When one door closes,an even sparklier one opens.

All right, so I promised yo my playlist. Here it is, for those of you who are music junkies like myself. Some of these songs are break up (ouch..there is that word again) based and some are not, but they all have soothing melodies.

1. You're Beautiful- James Blunt

2. What Goes Around- Justin Timberlake

3. Who Says- Selens Gomez

4. Super Bass- Nicki Minaj

5. Right There- Nicole Scherzinger

6. Kiss N Tell- Kesha

7. All Yours- Meric

8. The Big Bang- Rock Mafia

9. Heart of Gold- Ashlyne Huff

10. Dreams- Manafest

Before I sign off, I wuld like to give a specia thanks to all my girls! I could not get through without you! Krista (pictured above on my left), Aldyn, Jakeh, my sister Brandi, and anyone else that has helped me through. You guys are amazing and you mean the world to me.

So remember- It will feel like it, but it's not the end of the world. I am on my way to work now, to keep my mind busy and I'm not going to let this keep me down. Look out world, I am a strong and independent woman!