Sunday, December 9, 2012

Like A Child pt. 2

As usual, Pastor Craig Groeschel brought it this morning at church. The series we are currently in at Lifechurch is called "Like A Child", and it is all about God's love through the perspective of a child.

Often times we get so consumed with life that we become complacent. We lose the awe and wonder that God instills in us.
A child only somewhat understands the depth of the stories taught on Sundays, and often has a great sense of trust. A child feels safe with their parent(s) and trusts that they will be taken care of. They feel comfort from their presence, as well as the reassurance of their love and care. This is the same kind of relationship our heavenly father wants. God wants to see our faces to light up at his blessings and wonderful attributes as a child would when Daddy comes home from work or a birthday cake is placed in front of them.

In case you weren't with us this Sunday, here were the main points Pastor Craig focused on this morning.

-My God is with me.
His presence is comforting to us in times of need, whether it be a need of physical, spiritual strength, or whatever the case may be.

"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" Hewbrews 13:5

God wants a relationship with us, and we can build that by...

1. Talking to Him (Simply as you would talk to a friend)
Psalm 54:2
Phillippians 4:6-7

2.Listen to Him (The "Talk less, listen more" principal could apply here as well)
Duet. 30:20
Isaiah 30:21

3. Recieve from Him
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Isaiah 66:13

4. Enjoy His Presence
Psalm 16:11
Proverbs 8:30

Of course if you've ever been to a Life Church service before, you know Pastor Craig is always fun and keeps us laughing. For all the sermons you may have missed, they are available on itunes, or the archives file of the church website. I personally encourage you to join us for any of our Christmas services here at the Broken Arrow campus:
Thursday, December 20, 7pm
Friday, December 21, 5 and 6:30 pm
Saturday, December 22, 5 and 6:30 pm
Sunday, December 23, 8:30, 10, 11:30 am or 1, 5, and 6:30pm

1 comment:

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